Cruises abroad on profit from investing in Russian stocks.

Investing is, certainly, Okay, nothing to do — bought shares and forgot. And they grow by themselves in the terminal. By the way, I have never met such investment propaganda in 17 years like last year at smartlab. apparently, the reasons for this lie in the fall in the ruble exchange rate and, as a consequence, the forced growth of Russian shares in connection with these events. And this growth was perceived as something, that stocks are always going up and going up. Just forgot one little detail, what are growing, American stocks have grown and will continue to grow, but with the Russians this is a very big question. If the ruble continues to fall in price, then of course, stocks will catch up. Otherwise, very doubtful. Помню смотрел когда-то какое-то video с пропагандой секты Ларисы Морозовой где утверждалось что купив российские акции и подержав их некоторое продолжительное время, you can travel all over the world for profit from investment, what is successfully done by Larisa Morozova by publishing photos from the most diverse exotic places on our planet. But then the thought immediately arises — it is clear that the last couple of years the MICEX index has been growing and it was possible to make a profit for traveling in rubles, but in rubles, you don't travel around the world, since you need to convert rubles into dollars, euros, pounds… That's why, let's see how our market behaved in dollars, that is, the currency used to buy trips to foreign tours, paid for hotels, flights, souvenirs are bought, dinners, dinners etc.

Schedule of the Russian stock market in dollars for the last 10 years. Total, on investments in the Russian market lost -49% or -6,6% per annum. Traveling in very much doubt:

  A little more on the topic of self-regulation of the body.

For the last 5 years lost -27% or -6,2% per annum. Also, you will not get confused:

And only for the last 2 years earned 10,6% or 5,2% per annum. On 5 percent per annum you will have a lot of fun, certainly. But this is on condition that the person started investing two years ago. — weightlifter, In general — lucky with timing, so to speak :)

All in all, Summarizing, how THEY traveled all over the world to profit from investing in Russian stocks, remains a mystery to me.

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