Crisis by Crisis, and rest on schedule.

When you read friend-trader-analysts, ожидающих, what America, and then the whole world will fall into the abyss, and you look around, there is a feeling, that the surrounding reality exists in parallel realities. The first two photos show the beach in Arkhipo-Osipovka (does not sit in one place for me) today, about 10 hours of the morning. Vacationers keep pulling up. Not like to lie down, nowhere to put your foot. When you see something like this on a city beach in Gelendzhik, думаешь, okay, type Russian Ibiza (хе-хе), но здесь, ordinary resort village (former Cossack farm), with retirement vacation (I couldn't stand it for a couple of weeks here :)). Of the sights – monument to Arkhip Osipov (blew himself up along with enemies and a powder magazine in 1840 year), fake Mikhailovsky fortifications with real cannons 19 century, a couple of museums, church 1910 year of construction. Жарковато, no shady alleys, and the price level, to put it mildly, overpriced (like in Gelendzhik). And people are going. Such, apparently, all over the coast. I'll go to Dzhanhot, I'll take a look there. And you say, a crisis :)
In the last photo – bus station in Gelendzhik (got back with adventures – punctured the wheel on the buses, but pre-shuffled) filmed an advertisement for Megaphone (visible from almost all points in the city, illuminated at night). To estimate the scale of the letters – a little to the right there is a cable car, а на вершине, next to buildings, Ferris wheel, diameter 25 meters.

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