
It turned out that Fedor was not able to split Antonio Silva. He found himself ” a tough nut to crack”, still with such a head!!!
Yet age is gradually taking its toll in order to , who almost all the time goes into single combat with opponents , exceeding in weight and height. But this is only part of the difficulty for Fedor.. In the last fight, Fedor made a couple of stylistic mistakes, for which he paid. One of which is side punches against an opponent with wide shoulders and a head recessed into the shoulders. A lot of blows slipped over the shoulders and did not reach the target. Actually, a side impact slip led to a problem , after which Silva moved the fight to the ground, where his Jiu Jitsu black belt materialized , while , what else is on 10 kg heavier and more powerful physically.
Nevertheless, Fedor deserves special praise for his courage and perseverance., which he showed, being under an avalanche of monster blows and ,threatened with suffocation , survived. But his right eye could not stand and therefore the battle was stopped.

Offensive two defeats in a row.

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