Briefly about education

Студенты, who clearly fulfill all assigned tasks, but they are not creative - they are excellent students. The more there are, the better.

They don't need to instill creativity. Scold them and make them humiliate. After all, they can then be paid a lower salary.. Because they have little ambition. They are more likely to complain and whine to their wives and friends., how will something really change. They're bought for pretty job titles [even if it is accompanied by a decrease in salary] They are obedient, их можно (and need) humiliate.

The whole system rests on them. Both the school and the institute are working hard to create only such people. They piously believe, which is better to write both assessment exams 4, than one on 2, and the other on 5. And in life they also do everything on 4. That is, mediocre.

So don't try to be creative with them.. Let them think, that they are not worthy of anything more. They need to be exploited, enter into financial debt holes and make you work for food.

I respect the author of the above quotes. And I fully agree with him.

  FRZ: Just to spend time (21.01.11)
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