Competition “Results of the Year 2012”

The collective blog of traders announces a competition for the best article of the outgoing year 2012 on financial markets.
Most of you will sum up the results of the year and we give you the opportunity to make money on this. You can write an article about your trading over the past year, highlight interesting events on the market or publish a forecast for the next year.

Articles with the highest number of ratings receive cash prizes:
1 a place - 100$
2 a place - 50$
3 a place - 25$

1. The competition will last until 1 February.
2. Написать статью на тему фондового рынка
3. Minimum length to become 1 000 символов
4. The article should have a minimum 1 picture
5.Статья должна быть опубликована на сайте
6. При публикации статьи должен стоять тег Итоги года 2012 “
7. The number of articles from the 1st author - unlimited
8. May vote only to registered users
9.Calling people to vote is not prohibited on third-party resources
[lock]10.Based on the results of the rating, there will be selected 3 articles with the highest rating and as a result of a survey with 1 on 10 February the winners will be determined.[/lock]

  Announcement of Webinars for Thursday and Friday
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