
 Sometimes I go to the magazines of those, to whom I do not feel sympathy somewhere in the subconscious with doubt , that my opinion about him was not correct or with some hope, that a person may be striving for the best, or learn something useful, and maybe sometimes for fun and confirmation of your opinion.
Often I have to deal with the category of bloggers who constantly expose ,criticizing and dissatisfied. I believe, that the reason is their complexes. I doubt it somehow in their Samaritanism.
The same post is called after another LJ exercise, when I saw the post of one jester on the national issue. Just give him a reason, how all the anger of the long-suffering people for the problems is immediately poured out, caused by the `` chosen people ''. And they immediately flock to the smell of others like him.
It amazes me then, that sufficiently educated people exhibit an inferiority complex in search of reasons for their dissatisfaction. In any society or country there will always be those, who will be at the trough , if not the chosen people, so aliens, a holy place is never empty. So that, you need to spend your foolish energy on inciting anger and discord.!?? Crusades helped too much? Themselves what they are capable of…….?Buffoons.!!!
You jesters think, that killing birds,  pinching your harvest, you will solve locust problems? The system is balanced, so take your place!!  
The most interesting thing is, what " have a face in a cannon themselves '',  but what a thrill to blame others!
This jester , despite his mistakes, was still in a relatively high rank with me, but after his last remarks, I have come to the conclusion, what " If you were born a jester, then you will remain a jester" and so I downgrade his rating on SELL. :)))

  The world is not the same, what was

P.S. The author himself has his own complexes, not perfect :)

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