Mortgage insurance company Enact Holdings reapplies for IPO

6 august private mortgage insurance company Enact Holdings, separated from Genworth Financial, reapplied for IPO, after postponing the placement in May for 497 million dollars. In its latest filing, the company released financial results for 1 Half 2021 of the year.

Mortgage insurance company Enact Holdings reapplies for IPO

Enact says, which is the leading private mortgage insurance company in the United States, which works in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. IN 1 Half 2021 the market share of the company was about 17%, and the amount of new insurance policies, issued by the company during this period, was about 52 billion dollars (+11% on an annualized basis). IN 2019 And 2020 years Enact has provided coverage for approximately 1800 new clients, including 19 from 20 largest mortgage lenders by the number of issued mortgage loans in 2019 And 2020 years.

Enact Holdings was founded in 1981 year, and for 12 Months, ended 30 June 2020 of the year, its sales proceeds amounted to 1,1 billion dollars. Company headquartered in Raleigh, North Carolina plans to list on the stock exchange Nasdaq under the ticker ACT. Goldman Sachs became the joint organizers of the share issue, J.P. Morgan, BofA Securities и Credit Suisse.

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