Know Thyself (Coursera)

Посмотрев первый сет video и внимательно изучив расписание курса, decided to unsubscribe from him. This is more a course in philosophy., чем по cognitive science. Just two (two and a half) interesting sections: Recent work on the unconscious: the “adaptive unconscious” And Neuroscience, emotions and somatic markers. Everything else is more pleasant ranting.. If you think, that you have enough time for this course, better spend it on a few books. For example, How we decide And Incognito will give more useful information, but taking into account the availability of paper / electronic / audio format, две Books можно за две недели вполне легко пройти, which will make familiarity with the topic five times more effective :) And if you add the same to the list Gilbert, и например Arieli (the latter is generally for a very, very wide range), then the course content will be surpassed in 2 раза в 2,5 times faster.

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