What difficulties does digital currency have for development in the Russian Federation??

What difficulties does digital currency have for development in the Russian Federation??

The clear future of cryptocurrency is hard to predict. Almost all people think, that digital currency is a "soap bubble", which may soon burst. But the enemies of this view are much more numerous.. Cryptocurrency is profitable to use, for the reason that, that she brings excellent income. However, there are certain difficulties., obstructing?? development of electric currency in the Russian Federation.

Low awareness of people
Most residents are extremely poorly informed about the world of money and have a huge distrust of any new systems.. One of these systems is digital currency. Almost everyone does not understand, what is it and how does it work. Young people are interested in the main thing in this financial instrument. However, in the near future, the media very often cover the topic of cryptocurrency., therefore there is a possibility, that the number of people with information will only grow.

Regulation by law
The first time a Bitcoin coin was issued approximately 10 years ago, specifically in 2009 year. but, despite this, almost everyone has a vague idea of ​​digital currency so far. Knowledge about it is not supported by the legal framework., what pulls certain vibrations. Even if the corresponding law is adopted by the Cabinet of Ministers of Russia, it will be quite problematic to control its implementation. Some other states are not positively or negatively about digital currency, for example, Switzerland or Great Britain. And the government of the Land of the Rising Sun has already legalized cryptocurrency, as a means of payment.

Scalability of cryptocurrency
One of the main issues in the development of digital currency is scalability., that is, at a certain time, a limited number of operations can be performed. Other systems, for example, credit cards, able to create several thousand times more operations per second, than digital currency. The creators of digital tools are constantly working on this problem and looking for ways to eliminate it.. May be, in the future, she still dares, but the developers do not yet have an exact vision of its solution.

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Mains power and electrical energy
Anyone who wishes can start mining coins. Over the recent period, an increasing number of people are starting to intensively engage in mining. This leads to an increase in network capacity.
Most crypto money has a limit on the number of coins issued, because it is not clear what will happen to them, when the limit is reached. One thing is clear: mining will finish bringing funds to miners, and the commission for transactions may increase. This will make cryptocurrency the least tempting monetary inventory..
Despite the difficulties described, the popularity of digital currency does not stop growing.

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