What books to choose for a trader?

For those, who are looking for more detailed Books, which offer in-depth technical analysis, advanced strategies and comprehensive information on all aspects of day trading, you can refer to a number of books.

High Probability Trading: Take the Steps to Become a Successful Trader, Marcel Link

This book is devoted to the concept of making transactions only then, when the odds are in your favor, therefore, it details, how you set up your trades, and what to look for, to know for sure, what to trade and how much.

What books to choose for a trader?

The author refers to many years of successful experience in the markets, and you can use his trial and error method, to avoid mistakes in the future. It's well written and to the point., which makes her worthy of a place on this list.

The Truth About Day Trading Stocks, Josh DiPetrio

While many books sing about potential wealth., Josh DiPetrio emphasizes, that day trading is not a get-rich-quick scheme. His handwriting is easy to follow., and you can say, that he sincerely wants to warn you about the dangers and advise, how to deal with them.

  • From this book you can learn some important lessons, and you will have an amazing feeling, that you get the truth from the first chapter to the last.

Mastering The Trade, John Carter

This is one of the best books, because there are so many detailed instructions about, how to set up trades. It leaves no stone unturned., breaking down multiple strategies and different markets. It is also well established as one of the most popular books on psychology..

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Day Trading and Swing Trading the Currency Market: Technical and Fundamental Strategies to Profit from Market moves, Kathy Lien

One of the best-selling books on day trading, you can benefit from the experience of one of the most respected analysts in the forex world.

Traders learn all their livesTraders learn all their lives

You will get an idea of conducting an accurate analysis of the market, and that, that the author is a reliable source of trading ideas. If you are looking for one of the best books on forex, then don't look any further.

Disciplined Trader: Development of attitude to Victory, Mark Douglas

Many good books are devoted to technical analysis, strategy and risk management, but not much is devoted to the complexities of trading psychology. As aptly emphasized in this book, you can have all the best strategies in the world, but without discipline you will struggle to make a profit..

The book details, why it is more difficult not to succumb to your emotions, what it seems, and offers lots of tips, how to stay calm and tune in properly. You will also receive advice on, how to document the results of your trading and minimize risks.

Digital Day Trading, Howard Abell

It's not in the top 5 books., but she deserves it, to look into it. If you're looking for an easy-to-understand book, in which unnecessary words are not spent, then it's a smart choice.

The author focuses on the philosophy of the market and delves into his own trading psychology. You'll also benefit from three interviews with successful day traders., having received a lot of useful tips.

The only thing, what should you pay attention to, this is what, that this book was written during a very volatile period of the dot-com boom, therefore some information may be out of date.

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