How I unobtrusively pulled out the grail last night.

JC: IB вне конкуренции — commissions are the lowest of all brokers

below ppm 1$ on 1000 Shares?

JC: Not

then not the lowest commissions

JC: Didn't see below.
Maybe, You don't mean brokers, and companies, providing access to trading. Here is the speech, specifically, about officially registered brokers

you're right, it's just a trading company. But how important

JC: well, I think, as much as, for example, choice, whether to put money on a deposit in a bank with state deposit insurance under 5% or to an unknown financial institution at 10% on my word. That is, it depends on the degree of risk acceptance.
Although, if referring to order deposits 1000 Dollars, then, I think, it's too early to think about brokers and there is no point. In this case, only prop

That's what I'm talking about, under such conditions it is much more profitable 1000-2000$ deposit i 1 $ on 1000 Shares. and payments 95-100%

JC: Just a question, does it make sense? (deposit 1000 Dollars)
For schoolchildren, instead of playing computer games in an Internet cafe? Although, basically, it will be the same computer game, only extra expenses for parents.
For adults, this is somehow incomprehensible at all.. Even if u wins, which is unlikely, even doubling the amount in a year it will turn out to be less 100 dollars a month, what is less than the minimum pension in Russia. Better to get a job as a janitor's assistant — and then it will be more useful.
I personally don’t understand this moment..

well, as I understand it, usually give a shoulder up 20 intraday, however, if you move the position, then less times in 5-6. And if you work within the day, then an increase in a year 20-50% already from 20000$ already good!


JC: Why not the hundredth shoulder? :)

Count up — 1000 from 20000 — that's all 5%. That is, with a drawdown of only 5% the unfortunate trader completely loses the account. Even super-experienced traders have drawdowns of 10-20% in the order of things, and here is some kind of newbie and must trade without drawdowns.
It's not for nothing that the Americans introduced the rules for day traders., not just because of harm, and in order to protect them, from ignorance and misunderstanding of risks, because there are many years of experience what should be the minimum requirements — 25000 Intraday account, at least and shoulder no more 1:4 inside the day. And that, this is ONLY FOR TRADERS HAVING TRADING EXPERIENCE for at least some years and HAVING MINIMUM ANNUAL INCOME from other activities NOT LESS THAN 50000 DOLLARS. Without this, a margin account is not opened at all., and even more intraday.

well, here you have to be a complete idiot with such a trade and drawdown! Example, at 1000$ deposits and shoulder 20, Get 20000. let be stock is worth 40 bucks. I would never poke a bag on her anymore 500 stocks and stop +/- 20 Cents(without going into the details of the strategy) and with a profit I will minimize in +/-40 Cents. Even with such a shoulder, I would have received 100 bucks minus. But the profit is potential 200 and more. Still relatively) Although apparently everything depends on ..

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