well, what can you do, had to go… And then from the night snowfall… The road was covered with snow, tractors are not cleaned in the morning, do not sprinkle with reagent, since while the blizzard is coming – its action, as I was told, ineffectively. I tried to drive carefully, Leisurely, as the car was carried on a flat road in the snow for any reason, despite the new winter tires.
On the way I pulled one more man., which was pulled into a ditch, Then, driving past a woman voting on the road for some reason thought – «not with me, female, it is better to go by another car, the road is very difficult». And I also met again on the same day my friend in a four-wheel drive jeep.. Eugene said, that literally an hour before the meeting flew into the ditch, Thank God, Cost. Just taxied out onto the road and drove on.. Not asphalt – solid ice!
All in all, what's there. Suddenly I feel, swung to the right, tried to steer the gas and the steering wheel, fuck there. Turned left, then again to the right and again to the left. Swung like a pendulum and bac! to the separator. The speed was slow., about 50 km/h. But the result is obvious.. Sam was not injured, good that one was riding. Called a tow truck and rammed to Minsk. Now I sell.
Buy, people, I give an excellent machine in good hands ))) I will take the newest one Thanks, Audushka, for your faithful and excellent service! Beauty you are ours!
More to come, you show off, yes you will serve good people. I can not tell, that I'm upset or depressed. I look at such things philosophically.. It's all for the best!

My Aude
shl. Photo made on his PDA.
Well, as usual, spanking here, Apay my blog in the ranking of traders. And take care of yourself and your loved ones. Don't risk it in vain, yes do not drive on snow-covered roads.