How to learn English for free? 7 ways to choose!

Hello, friends!

I already wrote about that, that not knowing a foreign language, in particular English, has a very negative effect on the outlook and capabilities of a person. The article was titled «It is necessary to bring down from the Runet»

And I'm talking specifically about knowledge of the language., but not «translation with dictionary», which every second can boast. That is, the ability to communicate with native speakers, listening comprehension of rapid speech, fluent conversation…

Many are wondering: how to learn english for free

And here there are several ways to learn a language., and I decided to make a list of those options, which people resort to, sharing their best practices on the vastness of the world wide web. Here as paid, and non-pathetic methods.

Method one. Classical.
Courses в инязе или другом университете, special school, etc..
Minuses — groups are large, a little individual attention, certain visit schedule, which is not always acceptable for a busy person, often old teaching methods, when everything comes down to cramming. A lot of criticism of this method from supporters of new currents of language learning.

Method two. Individual training.
Work with a tutor. By choice — far superior to the first method. Идивидуальный schedule, individual responsibility, and high pay motivates to work out «from and to» домашнюю работу.

I must say here, What do you want, who will learn the language in these ways — often pronounce words very rudely. It is enough to recall the English speech of our politicians, pop stars (it's a nightmare how they sing songs in english), public people.

Ну понятно, you have to live and communicate with native speakers, so as not to stand out with your accent. Поехали дальше.
How to quickly learn English for free
Method three. Киноманский.
He already answers our question: how to learn english for free. The bottom line is, what if you like a TV series, Sort of «Friends», «fool me» etc. — you just download it in original with Russian subtitles and start to immerse yourself in real English, learning to hear words and phrases along the way in the context of rapid speech. And all this is in an interested state., after all movie нравится, I want to watch it. You don't need to motivate yourself here.!

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For example, Max Pastukhov, which I wrote about in this article, I studied English in a similar way, watching the series «Friends»:

I only partially understood the first episodes., out of context. By the end of the first season, I already understood the meaning, skipping only some points. By the fifth season — really everything. By the end of the series, I not only understood him, but also began to perceive songs in the original by ear.

Method four. Polyglot.
Speech about the course «Polyglot», what was shown on the Kultura TV channel. In my opinion, apart from the basic structures, I really did not find anything revolutionary for myself.. Listened, позанимался — there was no particular increase in knowledge. Not in terms of vocabulary, neither in terms of listening comprehension (because there is nothing to perceive =)), not in terms of grammar, for she is absent there as a class. However, what to require from the course of sixteen 40-minute transmissions?

Method five. Methodology Umin (Умрюхина)
The bottom line is, that the approach is complex — надо слушать Books адаптированные, repeat the words after the announcer, mark unfamiliar phrases and phrases, move from simple to complex. Make sure to devote time to classes every day.… There is already reading, and speaking and listening… Find more details on the net — but the system is complex, since it includes the entire range of available materials and a well-developed theory. Is declared, that the results appear in a couple of months.

Method six — hopeless =)

But quite answering the question How to learn English for free =)

Self-study on books and manuals. Why hopeless? Yes, elementary motivation is not enough, усидчивости, shoving from the teacher. Few people are able to set themselves a high pace and stick to it for a long time.. Yes, there are excellent manuals and audio material on disks, but the problem is in the person himself… It takes real interest and a stressful situation to memorize., for example, as if a person suddenly ended up in the USA and he needed to understand the language. Без этого — home language learning for the majority — just gum for the mind or for show, pier, «I'm studying English here»… To her, tell me more, that according to ESHKO courses =)

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Method seven. Интерактивный.
Speech about resources like Lingvaleo. This is when you do exercises on a specialized site., listening to short speeches, solving puzzles… Not bad, need to say, interesting, забавно, fascinatingly. But! In my opinion, there is no technique as such. To please everyone and choose the correct learning algorithm — unrealistic task.

Well, here's a little list turned out. Hope, I answered the question: how to learn english for free

Maybe. did I miss something — write in the comments about your methods and your language learning experience, not necessarily english — everyone will be interested.

I will now do my experiment.

I like the series «Менталист». Watched almost all episodes of all 5 сезонов, but somehow everything in fits and starts and some moments flew by… And so I remembered about this method and decided to try.

So I will unsubscribe to you about the results later., and now I'm starting to watch it in the original with subtitles.

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