How to develop a "professional" approach to trading at home?

The best traders are highly disciplined and patient, and these qualities are important for our profession. Maybe, you haven't grown to crazy positions yet, but any habit must be developed from the very beginning of the path.

What to change and why you need it?

If you work in the same room, that you sleep and go about your daily activities, then you may have a problem. This problem is, that during the session you will be in a "home" state - relaxed and far from so concentrated, as you need.

This happens not only with traders - some freelancers and telecommuters say, that they need to somehow change the situation. Someone goes to anti-cafe for this, someone just takes a laptop to the kitchen.

Undoubtedly, this problem will not be common to everyone. Someone knows how to switch to a "working" state at the click of your fingers, but many just don't even know, что такая проблема у них существует.

If you are constantly distracted during the session, think about something of your own and act like that, as if you don't work, just surf the Internet - take a deeper look, maybe you have this problem too?

"Working" and "home" state and their mixing

Our brain matches our environment with our most common activities.. For an office worker, the office will be the place, where most of the work takes place. The employee's brain will understand that this physical space is necessary to perform work functions. Coming Home, the employee will understand that this space is intended for rest.

У трейдера происходит смешивание этих состояний. There is no distinction. Ten minutes before the start of the session, you could watch your favorite TV series in the same chair at the same computer. No switching occurs.

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You need to create a "working state" or a change of scenery

В данной ситуации можно выделить два основных подхода к решению проблемы.

The first is a change of scenery, allocation of any space for trade. This option is not for everyone, because you simply may not have a "personal account", в данной ситуации можно попробовать использовать другой стол или другую комнату.

The second is the creation of a working state and the ritual of transition to it.. Reader, Know, ritual is not only a religious practice, but also a set of actions, associated with any phenomenon, process or anything else.

Create a "working" state and transition to it

If you have this problem and want to overcome it, but it will not be possible to completely change the situation, then go ahead create a "working" state. Understand, that many may be interested, but nothing to do, if there is no example or approximate instructions, so here's an instruction for you. Follow the steps in this sequence.

Шаг первый: Закрываем все нерабочие приложения: social networks, browsers, Messengers, movies and everything else. If you are compulsive, then I recommend installing the program, which blocks access to all this. Turn off the Internet on your phone and tablet, убираем их с глаз долой.

Шаг второй: Делаем краткий перерыв от компьютера. During this time, you can go for a snack, drink some water, go to the toilet, admire in the mirror, помедитировать или отжаться – неважно.

Шаг третий: Перед началом сессии потратьте пять-десять минут на разгон. This will allow you to "accelerate" thinking in the direction of trading., and the absence of all distractions will let you know, do you still have unresolved questions (they will distract you from parsing). If unresolved issues remain, then you can write them on a piece of paper, to return to them after the session. If they are urgent, decide.

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Step four: Запишите цель на сессию. This will give you a clear expectation, what should you work on today. The session can be ended before this time, if the psychological state, усталость или просадка того потребуют.

Шаг пятый: We trade. And we think about the market, not about food, Girls, котиках и не просмотренных video. Если ловите себя на отвлеченных мыслях – проговаривайте план по акциям (harder to think about third-party things).

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