How to become more ambitious

Successful traders have a strong motivation to achieve their goals.. Coaches and experienced traders have long noticed, that the best results in trading are achieved by those, who relatively early in their lives set a goal to succeed. These are the people, who have the perseverance to achieve the goal. It’s not easy to get them to give up their ideas.. They operate on the verge of the possible., experience is accumulated, until the chickpeas have reached the highest level of skill. In this process, they develop stone confidence.. They do it all, so quickly and independently, насколько это возможно. If your goal is to find financial success, then it is in your best interest to show zeal to achieve the goal.

Psychologists have been studying ambitious people for decades. All these people she has in common. They work tirelessly, to achieve goals. They are open to new experiences, they constantly think about new ways to reach new heights. However, the most interesting aspect of their personality is that, how do they go to the goal. They are extremely organized and concentrated.. When it comes to problem solving, they strive to quickly solve simple problems, to be able to solve more complex. They set priorities and devote most of their efforts to tasks., that really need a solution, ignoring less important.

When it comes to analyzing their activities, they prefer accurate and specific analysis. They like to be honest with themselves., scrupulously analyze their mistakes, rather than trying to be white and fluffy. They are not afraid to see their flaws.. They work independently.. They are not interested, how lucky others are. Although they are very competitively capable., they don't compare themselves to others. Uniform standards, which they care about, these are their own standards.

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Ambitious trader is itself a model of success. You can take an example from such people.. Therein, how to work tirelessly to achieve a goal, be organized and use your time wisely. For example, don't waste time, pondering which of the approximately identical opportunities to use. Select only one of them, and devote the remaining time to developing a detailed plan. Consider your entry strategy, exit, risk control. After your plan is outlined, perform it, without effort.

As long as you are motivated? A little test will allow you to draw a conclusion regarding this characteristic..

A group of traders were asked to rate the following judgments on a 4-point scale., by answering the question, how much each of them suits them personally. If you completely disagree with the statement, write yourself down 1 score. If you partially disagree, 2 Points. If you agree partially, 3 Points. If you completely agree 4 Points.

1. It is important for me to contribute to the development of society.
2. When I was a podrostkom, I often thought about, how to succeed.
3. I hate, when I am distracted during important work.
4. I work better, when I can take full responsibility for achieving the goal.
5. I never compare myself to others., when i move towards my goal.
6. I made a decision early in my life, regarding the, what do you need to do?, to succeed.
7. I have always set high standards for myself.
8. I feel guilty, when I failed to meet my expectations.
9. I don't give up easily.
10. I try to do more, what do you expect from me.
11. When I face a difficult problem, i concentrate on her, until it is resolved.
12. I have always been interested in gaining new experience in different fields..
13. I have always been considered a reliable worker.
14. I like to be the master of my own destiny.
15. I'm not afraid to take risks, however, I do not like to risk unnecessarily.
16. I like working, using your full potential.
17. I prefer clear and specific analysis.

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How many points did you score?. If the result you received is from 17 to 52 Points, then you are part of the group, which included about 25% Traders, who participated in the test. Your relatively low score may not necessarily mean, that you have a low level of ambition, given the fact, that many traders, very ambitious people who answered the questions. Nevertheless, you may be interested to know, what traders, who are included in this group, most of them do not have those character traits, which are necessary for successful trading. Very often they give up early or are too pessimistic.. They are characterized by a passive approach to problem solving.. They often dwell on past mistakes instead of, to live in the present, develop new solutions and move forward.

If your result is a tat between 53 And 63 Points, then you are in the middle group, if you have more 63 Points, then you are in a group, which only entered 25% Traders, who participated in the survey. If you have scored such a number of points, then you are optimistic, future-oriented, flexible and independent in thinking when solving problems. Such people do not give up at the first failure and feel confident., achieving success.

Maybe, it will be very helpful for you to know, how can you increase your ambition. It's very important to stay optimistic.. Many people have motivation problems, since they have a secret belief that, that they cannot become successful traders. If it concerns you, then you really won't become a successful trader. You need to analyze your inner motives., to understand if you really want to become a successful trader.

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It is very important to be clear about yourself., take responsibility for one's actions, regardless of whether they were successful, or not. Don't let your pride or selfishness prevent you from objectively evaluating your actions.. Keep a trade diary, it is very useful to monitor and analyze then your trades. Avoid Comparing Yourself to Others. If you compare yourself to others, then it interferes with the collection of their own experience. The only person, whose behavior should concern you, you must become yourself. Focus on yourself, forget about others. Improve your trading skills, gain experience. If you can do it all, then your ambition will grow, which will help you become a good trader.

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