How profitability is calculated at Unitedtraders

It's cool that people fool us on the smartlab. Here is a topic from Anatoly Radchenko appeared today with a sensational statement `` I earned in a week 41%, everyone is shocked by my profitability" и в подтверждение приводит video с РБК где об этом говорят. Everybody believes, after all, the same was reported by RBC. Some say: `` what a fine fellow '', other: `` I can do it too sometimes '', but no one doubted the forgery or at least the trick. We have a trusting people.

It became interesting to me and I even watched this video and while watching it, everything immediately became clear what was the matter.. RBC calculates profitability as the difference between the recommended price (point of travel) and the next local maximum or minimum. For example:

I.e, anyway, there will be profit in any trade. Даже если, for example, recommended price (entry point) will be a local maximum when buying. In this case, there will be a break-even trade., since the high minus the open price is zero. In principle, there can be no unprofitable transactions.!!!!

The first time I meet such a frank divorce. And the most important thing, the people on the smartlab never cut through what's the matter in their overwhelming majority, except for one or two comments..

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