How Valery Maltsev's "superproject" appeared, heh ;)

For those, who visits the forum Broco, the title of the topic will not surprise. The competition of the director of the BroCo company for the selection of successful traders with Valery's promises to endow the winners with large investor accounts for management has become quite widely known and popular in the trader forum party circles.

Some time has passed and I just want to state that, how did he appear.

At that time I worked on the Broko forum as a moderator, Analyst, Yes, and just actively communicated with the people, giving out some ideas, projects, plans, thoughts. In addition to maintaining a section on Japanese candlesticks on the forum, I organized the Jesse Livermore Club there., offered to consider some puzzles for the mind to his forum comrades and he absorbed the information of this environment with interest, receiving feedback. Generally, it was an interesting and fruitful time.

And then a thought came to me: what if we move away from the usual competitions of traders, with which the Internet and DC forums are full and make such a large-scale project, just to «AH!» for the entire runet. What can you think of? Racked my head and this and that, until I came to the following conclusion. Among traders, a very lively response is received by potential business angels about investing successful stock speculators. Basically, professional trader, usually, trades with serious investor money, because in this case he can, trading with low risk, without endangering large shares of the deposit, earn funds, significant for own residence, family support, etc.. But as a rule, traders trade on their, this 100, 1000 and even 10 000 ye, That, in my opinion, entail an understandable desire of traders to put more risk on a trade, because otherwise «game is not worth the candle».

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The thought worked on. What if we set up a project?, like that, that was carried out in the 80s of the twentieth century, arising out of a dispute between two millionaires: Richard Dennis and Bill Eckhardt. Then these guys argued among themselves, is it possible to educate successful traders from any recruited «from the street» of people, preparing them accordingly? You can read about this experiment in the book Curtis Feysa «Path of the Turtles: From dilettantes to legendary traders», but more i recommend the book Michael Cowell «Turtle Traders. Legendary story, its lessons and results», in my opinion she more objective. Such a project in RuNet, organized at the appropriate level, with good preparation, I would simply wipe out all the encroachments of competitors. 23 February 2009 of the year (what date ;)) I wrote to Valery Maltsev, company director «BroCo» personal letter with the following content (published with abbreviations):

Valery, Greetings!

I know you as a person, open to experimentation and ready to take on a project, who few people can handle. In terms of attracting attention to the company, doing something fantastic, You can take a swing at the same project, which is reproduced in the book about the dispute between Richard Denis and William (Bill) Eckhardt. Turtle Path-2! It's just a bomb. While, when all Brokers sprinkle themselves slowly in the chosen direction, occasionally launching balloons into the sky, Broco revives the experiment, who is like a phoenix, risen from the ashes, again stir up the public! Undoubtedly, everything needs to be well thought out, calculate, submit correctly, cover in the media, but it will be a good PR campaign for Broco, And, maybe, interesting idea for you. With the right experiment, all the attention of the trading community will be riveted to you, companies, experiment

Waiting for your reply.

Sincerely, wearbo

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so, by sending this letter, I began to wait. Unable to stand, I sent a copy of the letter to one of my friends, known on the forum as Neighbor. He liked the idea,and we were already waiting for an answer. After two or three days, I went to the forum and was surprised by the appearance of the section,titled as «NEW SUPER COMPETITION VALERY MALTSEV!» In a post dedicated to the project, Valera enthusiastically declared, that he stops playing spillikins and wants to announce a new project, which is designed to select the best traders, which he will subsequently transfer the amounts to management, up to the cherished millions. People poured into this thread, active discussion began, someone guessed in the project an analogue of the turtle dispute (still would! ;)), someone happily clapped their hands, and I kept waiting for an answer from Valery ) It's been a few more days, the rules for participation in it were finalized by Maltsev along the way, changed, which betrayed the lack of preliminary preparation and understanding of the concept, I didn't feel very comfortable, let's face it. My comrades, who knew about my initiative, assumed, that everything is about to settle down and Valery will say that, who submitted this idea or at least respond to the letter, but alas. Perhaps then I finally decided, that I will break up with Broko. And so it happened a little later..

In addition to some negative aftertaste from such a move, Valery Maltsev, is and positive moment: I realized my potential, felt it physically, since the head of the concern, having both material and human resources so zealously grabs the idea, without even bothering to answer the author.

I left, I haven't appeared on the broco forum for half a year and now I can say, that this situation still causes ambivalent feelings in me. Do not know, apparently my ego is playing. I don't blame Valery at all.. Don't judge, and you will not be judged. Undoubtedly, he is a good organizer and a strong personality, because to create a DC like Broko, having untwisted it to a serious extent, the weakling simply could not. Maybe, one of the qualities, contributing to this result can be considered «grip» ideas and their implementation. And that, that the masterminds themselves remain behind the scenes, it doesn't matter anymore.

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On the other hand, the fact took place and I just wanted to voice it, not to carry, sometimes it all comes up and is experienced again. By the way,, because I myself was not the original source. I was inspired by a book by Curtis Feysa. Although great ideas always lie on the surface and for some reason no one before me decided to take on its implementation. Some people, who knew Valery well, I was told, that he often acts like this, so, pier, nothing surprising. Undoubtedly, I would organize everything differently, bigger and more interesting, how it happened with Maltsev, but let it stay like that, as it is. I just wish, to «competition Valery Maltsev» still did not become another empty promise and advertising declaration, and traders, showing results, received the promised.

Please allow me to digress.

And let everyone draw their own conclusions from this situation.. I stopped at, what all, whatever happens is for the best. What I wish for you too!

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