How to teach kids to set money goals and achieve them: when and where to start for parents

How to teach kids to set money goals and achieve them: when and where to start for parents

What's a similar goal? It might seem, silly question, and so everyone knows. But it would not hurt to ponder over the history of the origin of the word, since she details the concept. And makes it substantive and voluminous, as in 3D.

Heart or apple

In the Russian literary language, the word "goal" entered into 18 century from Polish: cel and German zil. In Dahl's dictionary (1909) its meaning is given: this is meta. In other words, the subject, in which someone aims, zealous to get. All in all, target for shooting, target with painted circles, whose middle is a heart or an apple.

Later, the word began to be interpreted in the Russian language as an object of aspirations.

Children and means

According to the head of the State Center for Monetary Literacy, author of the book "Children and means" Evgeniya Bliskavka, if a child has pocket money from adolescence, then he becomes a successful adult. This is evidenced by the analysis indicators.

However, pocket money alone is not enough.. After all, the ancestors often give them just like that, without laying down any clear rules. And it is difficult for a child to plan something, that's why he squanders these "income" also just like that. Should give him a hint., how to deal with your desires, make clusters to hit the "target".

Children, who have gained experience in task merit, then managed more successfully with different issues in their own adult life. And the sooner this experience begins to develop, all the better. So you can allocate pocket funds to a child with 5-6 years. Naturally, small amount first, but it needs to be issued often, acceptable, one weekly. Well, then you should evenly increase. And most importantly, the child must know, why does he need these funds. Know and see the goal.

Little Rockefeller's notebook

The world's first official dollar businessman, John Rockefeller, had pocket money in 7 years. Wherein, not the ancestors gave him these funds, and he earned them himself, fattening turkeys for sale, digging potatoes for neighbors and selling candy. It’s not God who knows what income the boy wrote down in his own notebook. And when he got hold of the means, bought an account book, where all expenses and income are taken into account.

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In other words, the child had a specific financial goal - to become rich.. May be, even then he did not dream of becoming a billionaire, but I probably wanted to earn a million dollars. Differently how to tell, that at thirteen he lent to a farmer 50 Dollars (all blood, that were kept in the piggy bank) under 7,5 % per annum?

Need to count, the well-known American businessman and financier Warren Buffett also had a certain financial goal in childhood (condition is overestimated 80 billion dollars). At the moment, he 90, and when was 6, Warren bought a package of cola and resold it. 1-the first profit of the future legend of world business was only 5 Cents. And by the age of eleven, Buffett had saved up funds and bought three securities of the Cities Service Preferred organization for himself and his sister.. This was his first investment..

Why do you need new sneakers??

Good advice on achieving a money goal is given by James McKenna in the book "Your 1st Million". He reveals the secret: you can't take various trendy things just for this reason, that everyone gets them. Against, need to be diligent to save money, but don't waste them. Acceptable, why do you need new sneakers, if in the old ones it’s still completely realistic to take a walk for a year. And instead of fast food at McDonald's, it's better to eat homemade food. And basically, is it time to find a part-time job instead, to hang out with friends.

Yes, Harshly. However, how else? Most millionaires would never have been successful, if they didn't have a money plan, claims James McKenna. However, it is good to mean here, that this goal does not have to be a stone dogma. After all, some tasks are solved in an hour, the rest - per day or week, and some, maybe, for months or years.

Here it is necessary to be more flexible

And that everything was laid out on the shelves, it is necessary to form three types of goals: Short term, medium and long term.

The author deciphers each of them. What are short term goals? This is when the child saves, say, to a concert of your favorite band, new smartphone or skateboard. Or wants to put a certain amount in the bank for the next million.

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Medium-term projects are already more expensive: automobile, overseas travel or university studies.

Well, long-term goals are the distance to 20, 30 and more years.

There are also intermediate. This is when before, how to achieve any of the main goals already listed, a certain stage needs to be overcome. For example, the purpose of driving a car is the main. But you can't do without getting a driver's license., means, you need to graduate from a driving school - this will be an intermediate goal.

Not to be confused with wishes

James McKenna emphasizes: it is very important to formulate financial goals as clearly as possible. The child should know, what he wants. Have them write down their goals on a piece of paper., print on a printer or make a note on a smartphone.

A forum participant on one of the professional psychological sites, Alexander Evstegneev, highlights this moment: "It is common knowledge, what if you don't write down your goals, if you don't read them (that is, do not visualize), if you do not plan steps to implement them, then these are not goals. These are wishes, which are unlikely to ever come true".

"Baby, we will solve everything!»

The child should not just visualize the financial goal. But also do something specific to achieve it.: feel and try the mechanism of accumulation and optimization of spending. Parents are the main help here.. Evgeniya Bliskavka is surprised, that "for some reason we think: ouch, will grow up, still have time to get stuck with these problems, let the child have a childhood". And the director of the financial literacy center cites case studies, when many mothers at her seminars declare, that their children will soon be 20 years, and ask to tell, how to make them get off the parent's neck.

But no way, Evgenia answers. Mom and dad talked all the time: darling, don't worry, we will solve everything. And why baby suddenly in 20 years should behave differently?

Homework: game element

author Books "Children and money" no doubt, It's easy to learn how to set financial goals and achieve them. On the contrary, it's fun.! If you add a game element. “Have you ever tried together to select the best sneakers in the price / quality category through a“ test purchase ”? Carried out the "purchase according to the list" quest in the hypermarket? Observed the behavior of the security? Believed, how many kinder surprises can you buy for the price of a new robot or doll? Bank "Domashny" was opened? Preparing a business plan for "their own business"? These and other simple and extremely exciting activities will lay a solid foundation for future financial well-being and opportunities for the realization of the dreams of our children..

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Try it! By the way,, A great and popular way to teach a child how to handle money and build a financial strategy is to play Monopoly..

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