итоги прошедшей недели

the auction is still in progress, and I'm already reporting…
things didn't go well… three days I was fucked at risk, the week went red from the start.
Right away, looking back these days i realized, that he was trying to keep up with the open for all the stacks at once – there are a lot of unnecessary entrances from here, inattention to spreads, squeezes.. but choose to enter the first 5-10 min from the opening you need those stacks, where yesterday there was strength and there was an obvious level, near which was the closure.

today (on Friday) I was lucky to close the week with a plus in one day, thanks to the market for these blows below the belt, who gave new ideas and food for the mind. I won't climb again today, plus purely symbolic, so as not to spoil the beautiful statue.

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