Hysteria with FX-Trend

Neophyte shared a link from the IAFT forum, in the section of which the topics of alleged investors began to accumulate, to which FX-Trend does not pay money. Another independent investigation topic here from a certain copywriter, who made a rather weak post from quotes and conjectures pulled in runet.

I read those topics, went to the FX-Trend forum, where indicated, that a company was organized against the company to discredit the reputation.

На мой взгляд имеет место спланированная stock против компании. It's not uncommon in our circles. For 7 years have seen everyone. Why i think so?

1. I have observed more than once, how people on forums fight for their money, who delay DC or for the results of transactions, when an unscrupulous company cheats and does not pay profits or cheats with the results of transactions. People are ready because of 100 spend half your life and half your kingdom, proving their case. Some controversies last for months! Logs are collected, скрины, video… Here the people are limited 1-2 offers of non-payment by the company, occasionally diluting the dullness and dullness of fantasy with appeals to the lost «life savings» And «what will i tell mom?».

2. All topics started fasting almost on the same day as a click, and the authors themselves and sympathizers talk about weeks and months, during which money is not withdrawn. If so — то в чем причина того, what only 27 August they were all pushed to start writing on the forums? Full moon? Maybe…

3. I have been depositing and withdrawing money from the company over the past couple of weeks — all without problems and prodding.

Confident on 99%, what is this black PR, but unprofessional and slipshod.

On the Forex Trend forum, one of the id_reznik participants expressed his opinion in this way:

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I will add a few words about what is happening, as a witness and a direct participant in the unleashed «information war». As a private person, I can be less diplomatic, than admin and I will call a spade a spade.

mmgp.ru — the largest and most authoritative forum of the Russian Internet, посвященный вопросам инвестиций. The most different — from HYIPs to stock markets and the real sector.
Forex-Trend is really active in advertising on mmgp, along with a host of other companies, wishing to attract clients. As for me, even slightly overused advertising ;) on this forum.

But there is one important point - based on the published messages of users, the administrators of the mmgp forum very clearly distinguish between forex brokers and companies, only positioning themselves as such.

And one of the companies, describing herself in the above article as having «highest brand value», advertising which buzzed ears on TV and pasted over half of the billboards, ended up on the mmgp forum in «list of internet scammers» And «black brokers».

The reasons for such a shameful place are very commonplace.:
– The company categorically refuses to accept funds into its bank account and uses only financial pads.
– The company was banned in a number of payment systems, including Webmoney, as showing signs of a financial pyramid
– The company flatly refuses to disclose liquidity providers
– The company was convicted of using fake photos of employees
– A pre-trial investigation is underway against the company's officials in Ukraine on the creation of fictitious companies and the withdrawal of funds to offshore
-The company is registered in a small island state, with a missing regulatory body, in other words — not regulated by anyone.
– The contract is veiled for the provision of information services, not trading in over-the-counter markets. The account is replenished in the same way as payment for information services..

The essence of the conflict is, that some members of the forum mmgp.ru (including me)made constructive criticism of working methods «black broker» as a result of which he is now experiencing a catastrophic flight of clients (Dmitry Stetsko's note: правильно ли я понимаю, what is it about Kondakov and MMCIS???).
The company is trying to suspend payments under the pretext of requiring universal identification, with the provision of notarized copies of the passport and a host of other documents. Moreover, a number of clients were required to send certified copies of documents to the address of the mail-forwarding company in Cyprus. It all settles down «regulator's requirement» for «obtaining a euro license». Until the moment of identification, payments to clients are blocked.

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Based on my analysis, exactly «Черный broker» yesterday launched a massive spam attack on a number of forums, clearly ordered articles appeared. He tries to position the opinion of independent members of the mmgp forum as «black PR» from a competitor represented by Forex-Trend.

Конец quotes.

I will in no way pretend to be a knight on a white horse, guarding the white and fluffy ForexTrend. I expressed my suspicions earlier on the blog about the successful managers of Sven and Veronichka, and relatively sucked from the finger of the rules right here. I can add even before the heap, that Forex Trend quotes freeze every day, they especially like to turn off the stream on the news 10-15 minutes, while in Alpari So far, so good, I checked in parallel, and the commission for Trends is high, and the system of distribution of profit / loss between a trader and an investor can drive his account into a negative, which makes it possible to play on this and select deposits of traders with the ease of an air gymnast… But I also see real investors., who make a profit there or who actually come to my blog to express their contempt for the results of my trading in July, when I leaked the deposit specifically…

Summing up I will say — I see no reason to worry and withdraw funds from the company. With all the above my claims, I still remain here for the sake of this promise and the company's investors.

We have one judge — Time. It will figure out what's what. As for my trading on a pamm account 613518, then this week +20%.

May God grant you health!

My world
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