iPhone 6 и iPhone 6 Plus

Apple introduced two iPhone models. But there is still room for pleasant surprises..

The main feature of new smartphones, seem to be, became the screen, which is now proudly called Retina HD. The resolution of a 4.7-inch device will be 1334 on 750 pixels, and the screen of the phablet received 1920 on 1080 точек. It's on 38% And 185% more, than iPhone 5s.

Besides, smartphones have become even thinner. Even a huge phablet in the thickness of everything 7,1 mm, and his "younger brother" is even less - 6,9 mm.

Of course, iPhone 6 Plus got a horizontal mode of operation in the style of iPad. Все прямо так, as we wrote. Looks a bit like Samsung, but this has yet to be sorted out.

A8 processors are manufactured using 20nm technology. They on 25% faster than the previous generation CPU and by 50% обходят их по скорости обработки charts. Thanks to such a powerful "heart", the games will be simply feast for the eyes.

Do not forget about Metal, presented at WWDC 2014. Shake up, but don't mix. At the exit, we get a decanter at the Xbox level.

Very important, that with all this, the operating time of the devices SIGNIFICANTLY increased.

M8 coprocessor just got cooler and more accurate. Now he will count not only steps, but also the height. Naturally, all data will be sent to the Health app.

The new Wi-Fi chip is even faster than the previous one! In whole 3 Times! Of course, it is made specifically for calls over wireless networks. Who would doubt that.

The new cameras are amazing. But it's still the same 8MP sensor, which has not changed for several years. But autofocus works faster, better, clearer. No detail escapes your lens.

Apple has improved every element of the previous sensors.. I bought an iPhone 6 or Plus, you will get something incredible. Feel free to throw away your old photos and camcorders.

  Three-screen trading system

The FaceTime camera also received an HD set-top box and has been significantly redesigned. People want cool selfies? They will get them.

AND, At last, the most important thing is the price. iPhone 6 will cost exactly the same as the iPhone 5s a year ago. Phablet of 100 dollars more expensive.

Just as we promised, 32-the gigabyte version is gone. But a model appeared on 128 GB.

New iPhones will appear in 115 countries of the world to the end 2014 of the year. We hope, Russia will be among the first.


Taki, Yes! Apple did it! Now you can forget about a bunch of cards and pay in stores using your iPhone.

Добавить карту можно просто просканировав ее камерой, а подтвердить платеж через Touch ID. Already, the technology can be used in a bunch of stores.. Great!

And this is how the payment process itself will look like:

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