Investments. Events of the week (№4)

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Investments. Events of the week (№4)

Stock market eventsStock market events

Let's start with this, that on Tuesday El Salvador became the first country in the world, which recognized Bitcoin as the official currency on a par with the dollar. They also want to recognize bitcoin in a number of other Latin American countries.. This is either very good, or very bad. On the one side, this experience can be positive, and we will see a new world monetary system. Let me remind you that the Jamaican monetary system is in effect now., adopted in 1976 G. It is based on a system of floating exchange rates. On the other hand, it could all be just a pyramid scheme, the already poor countries of Latin America will become generally poor. See, interesting to watch.

On Wednesday, there was news from Uniper, the main shareholder of Unipro, about the possibility of selling the company.. On this news, shares of Unipro and Inter RAO skyrocketed at the moment 5%, but soon returned to the previous quotes. Why Inter RAO? Because it is the only energy company with a huge cash reserve, which considers transactions M&A. Interesting, that exactly one year ago, exactly the same news came out in the fall. remember, as I wrote about it in posts.

Moscow Exchange intends to launch OFZ trading in the evening session by the end of September. Very comfortably, as with promotions in the evening session, if you didn't have time to buy during business hours. But I would like to, certainly, see corporate bonds in the evening session, because. OFZs are extremely unprofitable amid high inflation.

Simultaneously with OFZ in the evening session, the Moscow Exchange plans to 27 September, launch trading in foreign shares in dollars, and this is 281 stock. Before that, they were traded only in rubles and the opportunity to buy them in dollars was only on the St. Petersburg Stock Exchange.. This is for those, who is "allergic" to the ruble J

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On Friday, there was a meeting of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation on the key rate. She was raised from 6,5% to 6,75%, although most analysts expected an increase to 7%. The market has long been pledged to increase, therefore it had no impact on assets. Another thing, what, Unfortunately, raising rates is unlikely to help fight inflation, which the Central Bank is talking about, because. inflation is caused by the issue of money, rather than accelerating economic growth.

On Friday, Alexey Miller, Chairman of the Gazprom Management Committee, said, that the construction of the "Nord Stream - 2" is completed! Gas can be started up in October! This is a very important milestone not only for Gazprom and its shareholders, but for the whole of Russia. It's safe to say, that all the risks, related to this project removed, what the price of Gazprom shares shows - 326 rub.!

Polymetal Shares, against, fall without news. There was a dividend cut-off on Thursday, after which the shares renewed their annual lows. Months earlier, there was news about possible additional taxes by analogy with metallurgists. Falling dollar is also negative for stocks. In general, there is no fundamental negative yet, the company is good. A plus, gold price remains at a very high level.

At the end of the week, the Moscow Exchange index added symbolic 0,02%. My portfolio sagged a little, but also about zero: -0,37%. Indices and assets remain at their maximum levels. MSFTRR Index (Moscow Exchange index including dividends) struck this week 7 000 P.! No one especially celebrates, how 4 000 P. of the Moscow Exchange index, because. MSFTRR is not widely known among retail investors. But he is also important to me, as the Moscow Exchange index. I compare with him IIS considering dividends for objectivity.

Gazprom stands out among stocks this week (+2,7%) in connection with the completion of the Nord Stream - 2. Novatek (+3,7%) growing due to rising gas prices in Europe due to cool autumn, small stocks and lack of supplies. NLMK shares are falling (-6,1%) due to Monday's dividend cutoff, as well as Children's world (-5%) in the absence of any negative news, which makes the shares more attractive.

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