Investments from 100 000 ye. Part 2

Hello, friends!

See the beginning here.

Thank you all at once for your responses and opinions.. Most of the comments and opinions were constructive., although that doesn't mean, that they were all positive.

1. Someone doubted that, that in forex people keep capital in such a size. Skeptics don't understand, what for many people 100 000 ye — it's not even 10% Capital, and much less. Я знаю людей, who trade with that kind of money on Forex and do not want any CME or MICEX.

2. You can talk as much as you like, that he, who keeps in «kitchen» this amount — fool. But in my opinion man, who has that kind of money may well be smarter and more hardworking than most of us, No?

3. Chatting with traders, responding to information, I have come to the conclusion, that it is wrong to adjust your MM and trading strategy to the one needed by someone, even for investors with big money, образец. Our trading systems and risks have been suffered. Trying to make a change will be detrimental, unequivocally.

4. What will happen, if traders show results, but investors just won't fulfill their conditions? Dima Stetsko will be an asshole for people, who wasted time, believed and tried to show the result. Therefore, I will offer an alternative to both you and the investors., which will keep me from being a bad guy.

5. Насчет денег: for some it looks like this, that I beckoned people with some serious investors, I collected money and, as a result, I will be in profit regardless of the result, although it doesn't make sense for me to start it up for a couple of thousand ye. Or is it big money for someone? But make an open entrance and recruit everyone and waste time, strength and focus on monitoring accounts, selection of traders, analysis of states without any material costs on the part of people — not right. Many freeloaders and irresponsible people will come, which eat up a lot of time and effort.

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6. Someone else thought, that I am now pulling people into an affiliate program to some forex broker. But it's not like that. No refoks, no agreement either. Yet again, to avoid negativity from people — I plan to organize everything in my own way, so that no one suspects me of unscrupulous activity.

7. Group name «сумасшедшие ведьмы» — this is somehow too radical. I get carried away sometimes. И тут я вспомнил, as I wrote one of my projects, in which he compared traders with alchemists. By and large, traders — these are people, who live the dream of making money out of thin air, how the once fanatical followers of Thor and Hermes tried to smelt gold from base metals. Therefore, the group will be called «Alchemists FX»


so. conclusions.

1. We will not be tied to the requirements of our investors. I recruit all FX traders to the group, who feel the strength to trade profitably and who want to work with investor funds. Age from 20, опыт торговли — from a year at least. Communication skills and the desire to work in a team are important. State optional — we will have monitoring. I accept as aggressive, and conservative traders, but our specific potential investors want profit every week and preferably from 10%, имейте ввиду. Again, you do not need to be guided by this indicator and break something in your system.

2. Let's decide right away, what is the maximum drawdown — no more 30%, feet are required! You can trade conservatively, aggressively, by market or pending, but stop losses and remember, that upon reaching 30% drawdown from the initial account the participant leaves the project. Think, our investors will also be satisfied with this option.

3. If there is an accumulated pamm account — continue to work on it as you worked — we will admit to the group without questions. Main — show the result. I see through and through the overflowed bills, don't even try. There will still be monitoring, least 8 weeks.

  Feilogram (22.02.2011)

4. About reporting. Think, everyone will be interested to know about the results of the group, especially since the manager must be able to trade publicly and not be afraid of his results. And then today they tried to force Alexander Gerchik to answer the question about the profitability of his fund, since according to information from the outside it is negative, но не будь он Gerchik, if I answered the question — skillfully translated everything into the patient's psychological problems, made him feel guilty and made an appointment. He would need to go to politics. So reporting will be weekly, on the blog and on Smartlab.

5. Now about the participation fee. I decided, what would be the right thing to do so: everyone accepted into the group contributes 500 dollars for the entrance to the project. After two months, the money is returned. An exception — traders, достигшие 30% drawdowns and / or those that have violated their own trading rules: risk per trade, отсутствие стопов, loks on accounts, etc.. (if a trader имеет уже историю торговли, it for 100% balance, the current equity is taken). On the one hand, this will motivate, with another — weed out freeloaders and undisciplined people.

All these changes are intended to ensure the selection of trader-managers, able to show a stable result according to their own rules and make it possible not to depend on the decision of a particular investor. Investments will find in any case those project participants, who will show their abilities.

Summarizing — if you are confident in your abilities, more to you 20, you trade from year on forex, make a regular profit and you know, what is trading discipline, and also want to manage investor funds — welcome.

I accept applications until 1 February. Then I will consider the possibility of participating on an individual basis. Contact details: skype wearbo, admin (dog)

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