Individual training nyse, NASDAQ, amex

Ознакомится с моим Teaching

набор группы трейдеров на фондовую биржу США NYSE NASDAQ AMEX

I am glad to present the training program, created by me personally and conducted also by me personally.

Duration of the course 6 Months + 2-x summer support in the form of monthly analysis of trades and statistics.
The set is made once in 3 months. Limited number of seats – 10.
Teaching производится только он-лайн посредством скайп и электронной почты.
Course program and conditions can be requested by e-mail: [email protected]

The program is based on my personal teaching materials.

The essence of the program: thanks to risk management, which will I control, trader не будет иметь просадки больше 3000 dollars and 5-6 a month should already start earning. The training is based on training in reading a briefing and reading a tape.. And many trading rules, and analysis of charts and much more, which allows me to earn no less 11 months of the year.
Also, the student will receive any video material for free., created by me during the training period.

Due to the high demand for training, this program has been developed in my group.. She worked in this form for about a year and showed the best result of all methods., conducted by me. Higher learning success 75%.

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