
Almost closed the session. I only blame myself for, what the hell is hiding the earpiece, on the exam “Economic theory”, as a result of which he had to be removed in the exam, and as a result of which – I couldn't really say anything.
This is how it all happens, without knowing anything, you can hand over almost everything, and if I had not stepped with a battery for a PDA, then I would surrender everything completely. Well, in general, no one is interested in this, so read on.

Such a thought flashed through: if you take the theory with coins “if a 5 tails fell, to na 6 heads are more likely to be drawn” and apply it in life to “luck” Person. That is, if a person is often unlucky, then with each bad luck the chance of his next one increases. “good luck”, well, it's natural to provoke failure for yourself, but in small matters, and the most powerful things to do after that, how did you get the series “failures” in some small matters
It seems that the thought is worthy of writing it on the blog and your comments.. I have not smoked.

well, today I opened the terminal for the first time in the last 2 weeks, got ready, but thinkorswim something charts loaded very slowly, I did not meet the time, I don't know what to do with this slow internet
Can someone tell me, how can I connect laser with some program for those. analysis?
Need candles Henken Ashi, and I saw them only in TOS'e. And my tos is too slow

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