Horoscope for traders on 2 half a year 2014 of the year

Due to objective circumstances, I could not previously publish this astroprognosz for traders, since the stars were in some conflict regarding the prospects of certain signs of the zodiac. Financial markets — highly unstable environment, it was necessary to analyze the mass of incoming signals and weed out any debris.

Attention! I ask you not to take seriously what has been written and not be offended for jokes on good guys.

21 Martha — 20 April

For Aries, the first half of the year was not easy. Not surprising. After all, this sign 2013 the year did not promise financial victories at all. Nevertheless, exit found. The stars speak, what is urgently needed to pass the seminar of Alexander Gerchik. And the sooner, all the better. In any nearby city and without bargaining. Only iron discipline and Odessa accent will help remove all obstacles to stability and prosperity.

It is advisable to leave feedback all over the Internet after the seminar., in social networks and, certainly, on Smartlabe. It is also necessary to support Alexander Mikhailovich by trolling his opponents and mockers on the same resources.

21 April — 21 May

Taurus does not need guardianship, their financial result is stable in 2013 year and the second half of the year will bring unprecedented profits, which will cover the losses of all previous 15 years of trade. If you don’t avoid risk, then, based on the results of financial activities for the entire period of conscious speculation, you will go to zero. This is actually great, not everyone gets that chance!

Take the helm of your life and make the most of your leverage.

22 May — 21 June

Gemini is somewhat confused. The markets completely disorientated them. A solid foundation is needed, which would neutralize the consequences of financial knockdowns. Stars do not indicate Gemini losing..

But what exactly do they offer?

Well,, get-sign. His Majesty Fundamental Analysis! And let others laugh and laugh, let the techies point their fingers, but the FA worked, works and will work clearly in 50% cases. And more to Gemini (и брокерам) no need. Buy a book by Anton Samolychkin at the nearest kiosk «Fundamental analysis of everything» and study thoroughly, putting into practice.

Everything will work out. Maybe.

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22 June — 22 July

Famous expression «when the cancer on the mountain whistles» no longer relevant. Crayfish have switched to hunting and gathering and are engaged in elk fishing in the surrounding area.. This is a natural result.

What did you expect after passing the seminars of Alexander Gerchik? Do you think, iron discipline and support / resistance levels will save you from loss? And that's nothing. After all, it is known, what 98% traders-HIS-students completely disappear in the wilds 300 000 Ticker, which need to be analyzed and selected every morning before trading activities.

All in all, save your soul. Give your extra money to charity and go to work. Sorry for being straightforward.

23 July — 23 august

Lions are incredibly lucky. Their trading results will improve significantly. But only if you subscribe to Timofey Martynov's napkin notes, which he rivets in nearby cafes. Deep understanding of the fundamentals of the financial environment, a shrewd mind and an unbiased expert opinion contribute to a clear, understandable and comprehensive analysis of the prospects and trends of the global financial system.

According to some reports, Warren Buffett himself carefully monitors all Tyomin's posts on Facebook.. Do not neglect this treasure of wisdom. And that. Don't forget to supply your star with new clean wipes., because they began to hide in the cafe when their guest appeared.

24 august — 23 September

You have suffered a lot and experienced a lot, dear virgins.

But the best is yet to come. A critical mass of knowledge is about to break all obstacles on the way and life will turn away its sirloin, presenting your beautiful face. Money will flow like a river, and existence will be filled with vivid and wonderful impressions.

Очень рекомендовано пройти education в United Traders и освоить скальпинг. This wonderful technique will make you rich and happy.. And minor side effects like stuttering, hemorrhoids and enuresis will not spoil the feeling of a holiday of life.

24 September — 23 October

For Libra 2013 the year will bring revelation. They will understand, that miracles can be done in the market, if you have an endless flow of cash. The rich will get richer, and poor — poorer, as said in the famous book of wisdom. Why? Yes, because, что если богатый в просадке и ему грозит Маржин call, he adds to the depot and opens another position, then again and again, until the deadheads run out of steam. Then the law of big money comes into its own and moves the market in the right direction., collecting cream from his flock…

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24 October — 22 november

Scorpions, unfortunately for you, there is only one indication — avoid engaging in real trading. So you will definitely avoid losses. You can run the demo, if it becomes really sad. But don't invest in a live account — потеряете.

but, you can have fun, troll on Smartlab of unwanted personalities. Focus on, what Gerchik не торгует, Leshka Maitrade drains, Timofey turned Smartlab into a swamp and all your posts will go to the top, so you partially drown out your own unfulfilled ambitions and sadness.

It is also recommended to post posts ala «100500% for a year really!», where it is necessary to lay out the statues in one day with a successful doubling, добавив, what if you do this every day, it will turn out just 100500% for the year. Thanks to such posts, Smart will remain the same dull collection of any near-market information slag.

23 november — 21 December

Generally, for Sagittarius the second half 2013 the year threatens to turn into a financial crisis. The stars speak, что виной тому — a large number of trading ideas and strategies, none of which works.

What to do? Will the heavenly office leave the whole sign to their own devices??

Not, at the ecumenical meeting, a solution was found and a Leader was elected. This leader — Lech Maitrade. Only he and his psychology of a strong hand can open Libra's eyes to what is happening in the financial markets.. Все тоже самое, what other experienced traders say, only in Maitrade. Четко, expensive and to the point.

Now Alexey has taken an order to cut off Salabons from his news feed and work with the financially secured part of the Internet. — Traders, so you won't regret a thousand or two for training. Everything will return with interest to you. That's why he is Leha Maitraid.

22 December — 20 January

Capricorns will start earning only then, when will they understand, what only Technical analysis способен дать указание на то, where will the market go in the next day or three. All of it should be clearly distributed 100500 methods by level of importance and reduce the entire volume of opinions to a single denominator. The main focus should be on the Elliott wave analysis, Gann theory and the secret Japanese candlestick analysis technique. Applying the Pauls-Rogers Formula to Financial Markets, dividing it into sharpe, multiplied by Sortino, you can achieve outstanding results.

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Indeed, according to some information, traders who are confident in their rightness, TA works well in 65% случаев тютелька в тютельку. Truth, to a request to specify the information statistically and documentarily, these traders are often forced to shut up, so as not to open the secret Knowledge. For don't * uh throw pearls in front of pigs!

21 January — 18 February

The stellar diaspora of Aquarius representatives gave unprecedented generosity. It was to them that the Universe gave a cup with the Holy Grail to quench their thirst..

It is necessary to approach trading thoughtfully and seriously and to work in an extremely conservative manner with risk in 0,1% from the deposit without a stop. You can open on any instrument and in any direction, but keep no more than one deal.

The rules are as follows:
1. When the trade is profitable — брать профит.
2. When will there be a loss — wait. So many, сколько понадобиться, and then see. item 1

And don't thank, no need. You deserve it.

19 February — 20 Martha

Do you want to be chocolate covered? Then there is only one option. Отдать деньги в trust management Васе Олейнику. He will take. A little demean, but will take. You, main, ask politely and refer to this astro forecast.

I am sure, everything will turn out as well as possible. well, или как нельзя хуже, this is the market.

ps. Generally, 2 half a year 2014 year is no different from 1 Half 2014 of the year and in general all six months of the previous and subsequent years. Traders are such traders. They will always and everywhere find an ass and climb into it. May be, this is the meaning of trading?

The stars said nothing about this, for the question, rather, rhetorical.

Bye everyone, Dmitry Stetsko was with you.

Good mood and profits to everyone. Hope, You have fun.

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