Annual marathon. I choose the main goal


I already wrote about such a tool once., how «wheel of life» in article main focus — main things. The bottom line is, that a person develops harmoniously, when it develops into 8 spheres of life: career, finance, emotions, health, relationship, spirituality, personal growth and people around.

What does it mean developing? This means, that from point A (Right away) to point B (future) there should be noticeable progress.

In a comment to the previous post Annual marathon (foreword) Anonymous left such a comment (friends, subscribe with real names, what a fear? I remember a phrase from a Soviet film «Gas station queen»: And who wrote the complaint? -Anonymous! -God gave the surname…)

We set a goal. We achieve. We put a new. We achieve it too. Etc., until the time allotted for you runs out.
Within finite life, the approach "set a goal - achieve a goal" is rather meaningless.

I will answer like this. If the goals are small and easy to achieve, not affecting such a thing as the mission of your life, then I agree. Pointless. If this is some kind of consumerism — like a new bike, then a new motorcycle, then a new car, then a house by the sea, yacht, etc.. — also nonsense turns out. a kind of endless race for material goods. said the same, that it is impossible to take your savings with you to the grave.

So you need to look for a goal not in this. In something else. Related to the well-being of others. Close and not very. And here we are not talking about some self-sacrifice or service for the good of humanity.. Just improving your life, following your inspiration and happiness, we have the opportunity to share this happiness and joy with others. We are changing and becoming happier and friendlier. And this happiness, like an impulse through neurons, is transmitted further and further…

I wrote down my goals many times, many times they faded away. Personally, I have a problem with this. — there are people, who know exactly what they want in life and where they are going. They have no doubts and they do not stray through life like lost souls. These lucky ones are called leaders.. They are fans of what they do and are good at it. But don't despair, many people do not come to their mission in 20 years, and much later. Someone in 40, someone in 50, someone in 90. Here it is necessary to clarify, that success is not measured by the amount of money earned, but the quality of life. Feeling happy, достатка, inspiration every day. When you fall asleep and wake up with a smile on your face. This is sometimes called the feeling of flow.

Returning to the wheel of life I will say, what is my main line of life, which should be worked on, связана с финансами, карьерой, личностным ростом. And all the more interesting, that all these tasks can be solved, if you reconsider your attitude to trading. If you manage to realize your goal of making money in the financial markets 10-15% a week without serious drawdowns — there will be money, will be respected by colleagues and investors, there will be personal growth in terms of discipline, control of emotions and correspondence of words to action. Think, positive emotions and the corresponding environment will automatically catch up. That is just the case, when you should focus on one thing and with the right approach you will be able to pull yourself out of the swamp.


There is a certain difficulty in formulating this goal.. What i want?

-Become a great trader, who, thanks to his perseverance and personal qualities, will earn billions of dollars in the financial markets?

Sounds very similar to the truth. I am vain and there is consolation for my vanity.. But among other things, I understand, what should be in my goal «что-то еще». And what — I cannot formulate and from this such a goal lies on the shelf, покрытая пылью. I cannot call her my mission. She's kind of castrated. You can add something like: and the money earned will benefit all people, for charity, etc.. But it sounds vulgar and clichéd.. Impossible to live on purpose, which does not respond inside. By the way,, меня очень круто мотивируют Books Стивена Кови, Брайана Трейси. After reading them, everything falls into place., but not for long. On 3-4 weeks. Then it all falls apart. Can't explain the reason.

Maybe, too much information i get, and she collides with each other. There are authors, who condemn wealth, loan interest, greed of speculation and financial market players, their uselessness for society. And i can't tell, that they are wrong. В какой-то мене успешный trader, занимающийся благотворительностью, looks like a drug dealer, who sells the drug, and part of the funds donates to drug rehabilitation centers. The cognitive dissonance. Man is ineffective, when the last one experiences. He is doomed to mark time all the time.

You can generally abstract from money and trading and consider speculation in financial markets as alchemy. That is, the melting of the philosopher's stone, with the help of which it will be possible to make gold from lead. These metaphors smooth over the sharp edges of the previous attempt..

Once again I draw your attention, that this is just my problem. For some, the first formulation sounds quite holistic and self-sufficient..

All in all, it should be recognized, that my attempts to formulate a mission have so far been unsuccessful. I can only state a specific financial goal for the upcoming marathon, to have something to focus on — earn for the next 12 months in financial markets 1 000 000 Dollars (after all taxes).

  The index went up by X points ....

This wording meets the requirements, presented to goals: measurability, concreteness, reality, time to reach.

I deliberately do not set material goals here, such as an apartment., At home, Tesla car, motorcycle hd, because I am poorly motivated by things. I, rather, ideological addict. Ideas cling to me like the flu and have a huge impact on the worldview.. This sparks interest in esotericism and spiritual teachings..

OK, with the aim to decide, we will return to the mission later.

But this is not enough. There should be other goals or objectives in other areas. Why?

When are you going to change and change your life for the better, it is very important to see the result of your own efforts and feel progress every day, every week.

What if there is a loss in trading for one week, вторую, третью? Man has set himself a goal, mapped out the way to reach, but he does nonsense! He will get angry at everyone and everything and give up what he started..

Therefore, there must be success in other areas., which compensates for the negative and senselessness of undertakings.

For me personally, a complex of regular physical activity will be ideal., правильного питания (диета) and mental activities (English).

What does every day I have physical activity, правильное питание, every day I study English and I have a result every day, which can be measured by calories burned, dropped grams, learned words or units passed. that is, looking back a week I will understand, that made some progress.

But! It's important not to overdo it from the start.. Motivation «changing my life from New Year or Monday» does not live long. Checked out.

Change takes time. Every big change is made up of many small. Extremes don't work ... Brett Blumenthal

That is why this time I will make changes in my life gradually, to accustom yourself to a new routine.

First, I will plan physical activity: 3 once a week — тренажерный зал. Other 4 дня в неделю — jogging before bed. Although my spinal hernia is making itself felt (running is not recommended for me, because of this I stopped running six months ago), but I will go for it anyway, since I have pull-ups in the gym and this somehow compensates for the load on the spine. By the way,, in the summer I brought the number of pull-ups to 31 times in one go.

A year ago, I worked out a certain scheme and program for burning fat and it showed its best side., so here, too, there were specific indicators and measurable parameters with their own timelines for achieving results. Plus, it's also discipline training..

  Steve Nison

Nutrition. When at the beginning 2014 years I have been losing weight, I ate very austere for several weeks, almost like a raw foodist (I recommend the book Zeland on this topic «Live kitchen»): cottage cheese, a couple of bananas, 3 raw eggs, milk. After 19 did not taste. Went to bed with real hunger. Dropped for 3 months with diet and exercise 7 Kg. But what's interesting. The quality of life and well-being have changed dramatically. I sleep much less. Could get up in 5 in the morning and ride a bike for an hour and a half in sleeping Minsk, and then go to training, пробежаться, поработать, take-pick up son from kindergarten, get on the bike again and go about business, then do something at home and go to bed after midnight. And I miss this ease now. And the reason, according to which I again returned to the old diet is simple — reached the weight goal and switched to the usual regimen. Most likely due to the dramatic introduction of a new nutritional program, By the way.

So I will slowly begin to return to this kind of nutrition, but without sudden movements. As long as I eat everything. But I'll start with, what will I stop eating after 19 hours, I will set long periods of time between meals without the usual snacks on the go, so that there are no more meals 3-4 per day.

And the result of physical activity and changes in nutrition will be weight loss and improved well-being., muscle tone, thin waist, etc.. These indicators are quite measurable and observable..

English. Here, too, you need to be introduced gradually, for fanaticism will rather discourage the hunt. Now I have a couple of linguaphone courses, most likely I will work according to Pimsler in the processing of Limansky (God bless them). The first part contains 238 audio files, so by 5-10 per day you can pass. Again, it's important to get into a daily schedule.. This is both discipline and the result will be better.. But for now I reserve the right to irregular classes., as it is required to deceive your inner guard, that will resist any attempts to change the established and customary way of life. And I'll add grammar a little later., because there will be a bust.

The list of goals will change and be supplemented over time., It is ok.

ps. Blog «Zen trading» forever gone, as a new stage begins in my life. FOR ASPERA IN ASTRA — Through hardship to the stars (Seneca).

May God grant you health!

Hidetoshi Kikuchi, photo author: “I made my way through thick clouds in anticipation of, what will I see, when I rise above them. And at dawn Fujiyama volcano appeared above the sea of ​​clouds against the background of the scarlet sky "

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