The main focus is on the main things


Do you know how to separate the main from the secondary?

Yes or no? The question is very simple and easy to answer., if you know yourself. But since people pay little attention to self-knowledge, they are often mistaken in assessing their abilities.

In fact, the whole life of a person and, to some extent, the life of the people around him depends on the answer to this question..

Among the information noise, you need to select important and useful information. Filter her, спланировать, встроить в свой рабочий schedule, bring to its logical conclusion.

Somewhere I met an opinion that, what a person can keep in mind from 3 to 7 objects simultaneously, without bringing the brain to overload. However, how many things do we keep in mind every day? Many plans and tasks pile up and, being unfulfilled, get status «in progress…», constantly loading our RAM. Every hour more and more cases attack us from the outside. Information flows in an endless stream from the TV, radio, Monitor. We are information drugs ourselves, who are looking for, what to do with the day — we climb every second on social networks, collecting gossip, interested in geopolitics, reasoning at the level «cuisine».

Man lives super…ineffectively.

He is buried under a pile of empty and useless information., makes the same empty and useless decisions, and then regrets, when it turns out, that something important is missing in life.

We all live, что-то делаем, we achieve something and it seems, that life goes on like this, how should she go. It’s like that for everyone.

But that's the trouble, that it looks like a stagnant swamp. Yesterday is like today, but if you look at the same day five years ago, then in fact nothing has changed.

I don't want to convince anyone of anything. If you are satisfied — I'm happy for you. This is your life and only you decide, how to live it. Yet again, the final result will correspond to your today's life principles. You don't have to read further, if you are doing well.

And for those, whose heart responds to my words, я продолжу.

According to my observations, society develops thanks to Leaders. Each person has a specific mission, which needs to be revealed and implemented, to continue evolutionary development.

All people are divided into groups, and each group — own mission. It's summer now and you can easily find an example in nature on the street. — this is a tree. Flowers appear on the tree in spring. Not all are pollinated and some of them crumble. Then, fruits begin to form from the pollinated flowers.. Wind, град, засуха, insects destroy another part of the crop and by autumn a small number of those, who is ready to fulfill their role in Evolution.

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They endured all adversity and matured, but you still have to fall on fertile soil, to take root and cling to life… And then new difficulties and trials. Although it can be seen as an exciting adventure, right?

Our world is holographic, and I give these examples only because, that all the answers to all questions are already before our eyes - we just need to see.

People crumble, падают, destroyed by pests in the same way. They cannot be judged, how one cannot condemn a flower that has fallen before its time, which was not pollinated by a bee flying by. Так бывает

And only a small part of the group will do something more, than just live my life. These will be people, which, thanks to a happy coincidence of circumstances, thanks to their qualities and the support of others, will be able to realize their potential.

Are you still reading? Maybe you feel the strength and ability to do something more for the world?

I must find my mission. Ask every day. Like a prayer. What is my mission, tell me?

And at the same time learn to highlight the main thing in life.

A family, children, parents, health, уважение, gratitude, love, Really, стойкость, mind, joy.

Here I want to make an amendment. It's not about superficial love, радости, positive and blah blah blah, koi are preached in popular literature. I'm talking about deep energy. It is very difficult to experience and differs from pop themes., that flows like a waterfall without stopping at any time of the day or night.

Majority, wearing masks, can only try to play these feelings, but trust me — when the stream opens, blows away, how powerful this energy is and how different it is from that pitiful likeness, which people portray «goodies» or «positives».

No wonder somewhere in the monastery, having met an outwardly unsmiling and stern monk, we then characterize it as radiating Love and Happiness. And then we look at some of our acquaintances, who hug us and smile in our eyes and ask ourselves a question: «what was it?»

The mission does not always lie on the surface. Sometimes you need to come to her through suffering and fruitless attempts.. There is such a path of hardship for some people.. Once I read about that, that the first president of South Africa, apartheid human rights activist late Nelson Mandela, imprisoned 27 years, quoth, that does not regret these wasted years. They are, maybe, gave him much more, than if he spent them free. So don't despair, if there is no clear answer yet. Everything has its time.

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Weed out the trash! Block it! Learn to reduce the load on your brain. This will speed up the process of identifying your goal..

Still reading? Hope, There are not many of you left in this place. Tired and weary have already closed the text — overload!

Paid attention, that I am to you already on you with a capital letter?

Several recommendations.

  1. Automate the process of processing incoming information. В помощь книга David Allen How to Get Things Done.
  2. If someone loads you with unnecessary data, don't stand, nodding his head. Пресекайте. Tell, that you don't need it. If a person does not understand — turn around and leave.
  3. Используя рекомендации из Books above, finish hanging cases and plans, that draw energy out of you, instilling uncertainty and melancholy, even in the backyard of the subconscious.
  4. Revise your circle of acquaintances and friends. Remove those, that waste your time.
  5. Get rid of unnecessary things.
  6. Optimize your regular life processes so, to make them run more efficiently, Faster, in due time. Create some kind of templates for them.
  7. Dot the i's in relationships and affairs. Bring clarity to yourself and others.
  8. Announce goals, achievement steps and deadlines.
  9. Stick to discipline.

Продолжать можно бесконечно. Think, что для большинства из Вас это и так уже понятно и успешно применяется в жизни.

There is such a concept — wheel of life. This is a graphical display 8 the most important areas of human life (or Lines of Fate) with an appropriate scale for assessing the state of affairs in each of them.


It turns out like this, that for a full and joyful life you need to develop in all 8 направлениях.

A little higher I said, how difficult it is for the brain to make decisions in the information chaos. И было бы глупо и неправильно давать рекомендацию Вам расписать себе план по каждому направлению и следовать ему. You will go crazy sooner, how will you succeed.

What to do?

Need to take a look at the to-do list and projects, which you will compose, using the recommendations of the book by David Allen. You need to look at those qualities of your personality, which are of great importance to you (reading a book by Brian Tracy Leader personality) and you need to at least roughly imagine, what is your mission.

Then it remains to choose 1-2 directions from the Wheel of Life and focus only on them. Surprisingly, that the rest of the directions are pulling themselves up, if you choose the correct Lines of Destiny

Here are some real life examples:

  • Young beautiful, но разведенная мама с ребенком, who receives alimony and does not work anywhere. She lacks money, she is looking for a man, who would provide her financially, and whom she would love. But either men with money are attracted, for which there are no feelings, or men without money, those who want to settle in. This woman should not focus on direction. «relationship», and on the direction «career» And «The money». Ignore all other directions for now.
  • An accomplished wealthy man plowed all his life and achieved a lot. Provided a family. But it continues to plow. Seven days a week. Health problems are increasingly reminiscent of themselves. He has no options to let go of the reins and reconsider his life. He already did more, than anyone else in his place. Unambiguously directions «health» And «brightness».
  • Woman, which I wrote about in the article Dedicated to women and men with two teenage girls, whom my husband left. Didn't work too much, hoping for your support, and the support turned out to be weak and selfish. She spent a lot of time thinking, realized as a mother, хорошие отношения с детьми, родителями. Environment as such and no. At the same time, that she is great at sewing things. Think, she may well create her own line of children's clothing. But for this she needs to focus on «деньгах» (she is working now) And «личностном росте». Moreover, personal growth is here — not some metaphysical categories and speculative ideas. She needs to develop: get a license to drive a car, start sewing clothes for sale and take orders… That is, stop being half of your husband, but to build up a soul mate and again find integrity and self-sufficiency.
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Read more about the Wheel of Life at Darov's blog. It says it best.

When a person clears his brain of information waste, will finish the things that have hung over the years, learn to process incoming information using convenient templates and understand for himself, what is the main thing in his life, he will easily leave the pit, which all people fall into. It's just that someone stays there, thinking, that this is life, а кто-то выбирается на твердую поверхность, чтобы взлететь.

Such a Leader will not exchange family and children for a mistress with money., pure honor and conscience for gray comfort and safety, respect and confidence of people in their competence for fear and admiration for the rank.

The World needs such a Leader.

And this leader, maybe, You.

May God grant you health!


My world
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