JPMorgan chief promised to fire cryptocurrency traders

Now, according to the banker, cryptocurrency подходит для использования либо в государствах, in which there are problems with the national currency, or for the "drug dealers and killers"

JPMorgan Chase CEO James Dimon Threatens Traders With Firing, cryptocurrency traders, reports to Bloomberg the statement of the head of the organization at the investor conference in New York. Daimon expressed confidence, that bitcoin is a "scam tool and good for drug dealers and murderers".

Fire JPMorgan traders, who trade digital currency, the head of the bank promised "in a second". “There are two reasons for this: Firstly, it is against our rules. Secondly, they are fools. In both cases, they are dangerous ", - explained the head of the bank his position.

Руководитель одной из крупнейших американских финансовых организаций сравнил взрывной интерес к биткоинам с тюльпаноманией, emerged in the 19th century, when speculators have multiplied the prices of tulip bulbs. In his opinion, в ситуации невозможен положительный исход без вмешательства и надзора со стороны государства. “It won't end well. Someone will die ", — приводит его заявление CNBC.

At the same time, he called for differentiating bitcoins and the underlying technology for them - blockchain, which the, According to him, just might benefit. Nevertheless, he noted, that the use of such technologies in the banking sector should not be expected in the near future.

Daimon added, what's the best argument, which he heard, is, that cryptocurrencies can be useful in states, where there are problems with the national currency. “If you were in Venezuela, Ecuador or North Korea, or if you were a drug dealer or a murderer, then, certainly, you would be better off using bitcoin instead of American dollars ", - noted the head of JPMorgan. In this way, market for cryptocurrencies may be, but it will be rather limited.

  Orange juice.

Daimon made such a statement against the backdrop of a decrease in the cost of cryptocurrency due to statements by the Chinese leadership about the prohibition of trading in virtual currencies in domestic markets.. In this way, Chinese authorities hit the cryptocurrency market, which is estimated at $150 billion, agency notes. Ранее Forbes писал о неоднозначном отношении к криптовалютам по всему миру: government regulators understand, what to ignore this market, where Bitcoin alone grew by more than 720%, impossible and trying to establish the rules of the game, to protect market participants and cryptocurrency investors. So, Singapore recently transferred the regulation of the initial token issuance and all ICO issues to the Monetary Authority, and South Korea chooses the path of tightening the rules for organizing ICO.

Russia is also dealing with the issue of regulation of this area.: First Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov promised a "serious" discussion in the government on this topic in September. Besides, As expected, Parliament will pass the corresponding bill in the fall. Now the authorities are expecting steps from the Bank of Russia, who should prepare a legislative definition of cryptocurrency and define his role in relation to it. The Ministry of Finance previously proposed to qualify cryptocurrency as a financial asset and allow only qualified investors to trade it on the exchange., pointed out the Deputy Minister of Finance Alexey Moiseev.

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