Henry Cluse / Henry Clews

Henry Cluse was born in England in 1836 year, and in 1850 emigrated to the United States. Kluz started out as a clerk in a large importing company and only later moved into the financial business.. Close became a member of the New York Stock Exchange shortly after the panic 1857 of the year, during which prices fell by about 50 Percent. “This crisis sounded like a funeral march for the old conservatism on Street, – wrote Kluz. – A younger race of financiers emerged, filling the places of the old conservative leaders ". For all his extravagance, Clouse was a value investor. He understood, that “at the heart of all this stormy mass of facts are the laws of nature; if we study them in relation to the objects they control, they (laws) will work the same way, like the rising of the sun ".

IN 1859 Henry Close co-founded an investment company (Livermore, Clews, and Company) on Wall Street, which was the second largest bond trader during the American Civil War (Federal Bonds). IN 1877 Henry founded his own company, Clews and Company. He also organized the "Committee of 70" and served as economic adviser to President Ulysses Grant (Ulysses Grant). Henry Close was a conservative economist and a strong opponent of the trade union movement..

IN 1908 year Close published the book "Fifty Years on Wall Street" (Fifty Years in Wall Street), which has become indispensable for all students and history, & Markets. Finally, Close stood shoulder to shoulder with such great financiers, like J. P. Morgan and infamous robber barons such as Cornelius Vanderbilt. Close took the time to write down history and his own thoughts., including the fact that, what is needed, to do well on Wall Street. He claimed, what's one of the problems, faced by investors, it is their unwillingness to “act in accordance with the conclusions, who are at odds with their desires ... ". Henry Close died January 31st 1923.

  Investidea: Graco, as apply sparingly
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