Where is the correlation?

Ну и где обещанная correlation рубля с брентом? By the way, I just heard the same song on the radio while I was catching Pokemon on the coast — какой-то аналитик утверждал что schedule рубля в точности повторяет траекторию графика нефти, if you don't believe, He speaks, see for yourself. So I came and looked. I saw something completely different… for two months now brent has been hovering in place in a narrow range, and the dollar is steadily creeping down in the descending channel. This confirms my hypothesis that the dollar was greatly overvalued in the panic of expectations of a catastrophe in the Russian economy and now, when everything is settled, it comes to a fair price in 30 dollars per ruble.

Where, at the mark 50, they, who holds dollars, and their legion, will understand that the case smells like kerosene and will panic to get rid of dollars, and traders will start to close long positions in the dollar in the same panic. Panic will start, since there will not be enough rubles for everyone. Deceived contributors dollar holders will want to get rid of them at any cost, just to get rid of. The price will pass quickly from 50 to 25. Then, with time, I guess, yet, adjusted to 30 and there it will calm down….

  Analogies trade
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