
Published on the portal in the blog Maxim_Pr. You can comment here or there.

I have a question, did anyone count our energy companies. What caused such a rapid growth in recent days, is there an investment idea? Understandably, that the energy sector lagged behind the market, but the power of many is worn out by 60%. Еще как-то можно об’яснить, what did OGK-6 take, or RusHydro, but everything in a row… My humble opinion, that the received half a billion dollars were capitalized, mainly, in this sector – banks, metallurgists, telecoms – дОроги, some kind of game has begun in the oil industry.

Will these issuers expect the fate of Gazprom? – last year he also lay forgotten, Then, suddenly fired, and quickly rolled back down. I have a feeling, that the market has reached some highs, we don't want to fall, and it is unlikely that we will be strong, but we don't strive for growth either. Shifting from one stock to another has begun, within sectors – illustrative example – the collapse of Rosneft and the rapid growth of Lukoil, and then Surgut. Now it is important not to miss the start of the reverse process..

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