Free Time Essay

It just so happens., What's on 2 weeks I dropped out of trading work. Planned to do the operation and completed the planned. During my free time, I have accumulated a little reflection, there was an opportunity to think about something again or for the first time, and of course fix it. I wrote down these lines practically by weight in 12 a sheet of notebook with an ordinary black ballpoint pen. I recall the words of Mr. Tinkov about the conclusion of the most important deals on a piece of napkin.
During a year of trading, I noticed how important it is sometimes not to trade.. Without a doubt, those, who considers the direct relationship between time, conducted in the market and the amount of accumulated useful experience. What a sin to hide – I am the same myself.
But this is not about that.

One and specific (in my opinion positive) trading activity, I consider a fairly free approach to planning your time. Certainly, you will not change the fact, that the market opens in 9.30 NY and closes in 16.00 NEW, works 5 days per week excluding holidays. But you can get things done, not trading everything 6,5 market hours, but only half of this time. Or, vice versa, you can add an hour or half an hour of premarket and postmarket. All this is purely your business..
But one day there is a pause in your activity.. It happens, Unfortunately, because of health. Maybe, due to holidays. Maybe, you still work somewhere and a forced business trip is wedged in. Maybe, the question arises of moving to a new apartment. Circumstances, changes in life making the market temporarily unavailable or difficult to access.
How do you react?
Once a friend of mine told me: “I hate weekends, because the market is closed”. Sounds like your reaction?
I love music very much and I do it myself, so I want to give you one analogy. In a musical recording there is a separate category of characters responsible for pauses. – pauses of varying duration. Once I read, that the art of choosing a pause correctly – a very special kind of musical art, and it does not interest newbies, who strive to produce as many and louder notes as possible. At the same time, well-chosen pauses make the rhythmic pattern more interesting., peculiar, detached from the same set of notes and in the same sequence.
What conclusion can be drawn from this comparison: just as compositions cannot consist of pauses, but pauses make compositions more expressive, deep, saturated, Original, and in any other activity, how creative, never creative (I'm still inclined not to attribute Trading to creative activity) pauses can be helpful. They're not just for variety.. Thanks to the pauses, you will be able to evaluate your activities and your result from the outside, ie. give a more objective assessment of the work.
Many people, myself included, recommend that you write down your working day for video (pausing and reviewing the necessary points). Recording programs – lots of, I personally use Camtasia Studio. Watching your video is usually best the next day., “fresh head” as they say. Time, elapsed time between transactions and their analysis – nothing but a pause. If you start viewing the recording immediately after the market closes, the viewing efficiency in my opinion is much lower.
I am reminded of a control area called “Quality control”, in particular its section “Process management”. Without going deep into the essence of such management I will say, that with its help by drawing up diagrams, charts, diagrams, you can come to the conclusion which processes in the work are not performed at the proper level, where problems arise, and which processes are insignificant, duplicate or redundant. There is no need for a trader to go into excessive and scrupulous detailing of process planograms, it will be enough to write out the main. Highlighting the main processes of preparation for work and the work itself, can separate positive and negative pauses of activity.
And I would really like, so that you share the concepts “пауза” And “weekends”. At first, I thought it was perfectly normal to watch how traders I know, as opposed to people I know from other professions, happily return to work., discuss and wash the bones of everyday victories and defeats – as their, так и чужим. But gradually I began to be horrified by this.
The weekend is not the same as a pause in trading. The weekend is something beyond the realm of trading., therefore, associate them with activity, outside of trading.
However, this is a completely different question..
A question for the readers – how do you use pauses in an activity? :)

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