Forex through the ass

Hello, friends!

I apologize for such an obscene start, but I don’t know otherwise, what to call it all.

Just yesterday I wrote about the drain of the 4-year-old pamm account Invincible_trader, and then the news from the Alpari website about Iron Lady, who set a new record on her pamm account. At the time of writing the news and writing the interview — 14 000%, at closing friday — about 22 000% And that's in two weeks.

All you know, that I myself am a fan of aggressive Forex trading and use leverage to the maximum. And there are many articles on the blog about my experience and there are even disputes and squabbles with representatives of other more conservative markets., where the shoulder is ten times smaller: FOREX vs MICEX / RTS vs NYSE

However, you cannot call me a fanatical and insane impenetrable fan of depot acceleration.. I always emphasize that, that when trading aggressively, you need to risk a small part of your capital and not keep all your funds on the account.

Furthermore, an aggressive approach will not work 90% Traders, and even they are contraindicated. This is more for extreme lovers., for players, for adrenaline junkies, who want to fill their life with emotions, set some records, seeking to stand out due to their own complexes, etc.. About complexes, which push a person to such shocking goals, I wrote a little in the article Money loves silence. Well, you want to overclock — accelerate, you will have 5-10 unsuccessful attempts and one super successful, read my recommendations about overclocking for reference: how to increase the depot in 5-10 once. Но повторю, what for 90% traders, this approach is contraindicated. CONTRAINDICATED!

But the following does not fit in my head..


Alpari and other DCs declare, what do they earn on commissions, That, as you know, are about 6-12 dollars per lap on majors. If we have a depot in 10 000 we on forex, then 1 lot — this is a perfectly acceptable risk in 300 dollars with a stop 30 pp on EURUSD at intradee. Even 1 deal per day — this 120-240 dollars commission per month. Сами понимаете, that the value is conditional. Someone trades once a week, and someone during the day commits 100 deals. But here we take the middle option..

That is, two things are needed to make money.:

1. To open accounts in the DC
2. So that the money on the accounts does not run out, and multiplied

Well, you can also add, what if we are talking about pamm accounts, important, that there are sensible managers and that investors understand, that the company is doing its best, in order to prevent the loss of their funds.

In practice, we observe the following::

-Pamm account Invincible_trader merged. At the maximum, about 2 000 000 euros. Loss of funds means, what the company has lost (we take our middle version) 36 000-72 000 dollars commission per month. But this fact does not upset her at all.! There are no conclusions and no desire to prevent the recurrence of such situations in the future..

А что есть? And there is a great interview with a girl, who took Jack Pot.

It's like a casino: yesterday on roulette zero fell 3 times in a row and by chance some lucky guy put 100 dollars on it and won 4 million!

It would be better to conduct an interview with Invincible_trader and sorted out the mistakes in order to avoid a repetition of the situation, and they also took measures. For example, in case of drawdown 50% close pamm. When using martingale — close pamm. Avoid overflow of accounts by managers, reduce leverage to 1k20 maximum (although the function of reducing leverage is declared in the company, but it only works on currencies, but the gold can be filled in full and the depot can be drained in an hour, even with a shoulder 1 to 10 because, that for gold the shoulder does not work)

  It's too late to drink Borjomi. Instructions for those who have lost money and faith

That is, I do not understand the company's policy, which I respect and which, in theory, should orient traders to long-term stable work, take measures for the safety of investments in PAMM accounts, emphasize the danger and randomness of mega-wins.

And I only see the opposite, перевернутое с ног на голову.


This all leads to unpleasant conclusions.. Logically I understand, that their actions are unlikely to be aimed at their own detriment, which means they do not earn on commission? The question is rhetorical and concerns not only and not so much Alpari, сколько всех, who provides trading services in the foreign exchange market.

Not so long ago, I was told by a representative of a German bank, that the Swiss bank Dukascopy also allegedly would not mind playing against clients. Understandably, that without proof it was said in private correspondence. I can neither confirm nor deny.

Now I do not want to make an unambiguous conclusion that, that all DCs and Brokers cuisine. This is the other extreme, but I am very, very disappointed with the above situation.

And comes to mind, that the current situation cannot be changed until then, until new players come to the forex industry market, with a new paradigm in mind.

Take it and organize your company.

This is how Zen trading is.…


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