Fund, show the statement!

By the way, It would be very curious to see the current results of hedge fund trading under the control of the geniuses of domestic trading, promised from гарантированных 30% annual and more.

In particular,

Fund under the management of A. Gerchik under the roof of Finam.

Fund run by the prodigy of biological trading systems G. Fishman

Rossmix Market Neutral Protected Fund, a win-win arbitration fund with confident capital growth, with the participation of the distinguished David Serebryannikov

Fund of the best traders in the world Radchenko-Vishnevsky-Belousov

Some other funds, I just can't remember now.

But, Unfortunately, I have not seen the results of any fund for many months, though, in theory, they should be. Or is it such a trick to attract investors, Sort of, if the results are not published, then investors are more willing to invest money there? Dubious. Usually, when the results are positive, they are blown about on every corner. Да и инвесторы, I think, looking for a haven for their money in funds, which are open and transparent and there are legion of such funds in the world. So that, probably, hiding, when there is something to hide.

In this regard, the foundation of a certain Dmitry Solodin from Smartlab has shown a worthy example for respect. — it has been completely transparent from the day it was founded. And it doesn't matter that the result was not entirely successful. I would, for example, relied more on openness than on the promise of bags of money in a dark room. Moreover, the average result of global funds for the last three years in a row is negative., so it's okay. :)

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