I went to the FMS several times this year for a Residence Permit — nothing for 15 years has not changed. You can still endure with a residence permit, as there are significantly fewer people, but those, who is trying to get a Temporary Residence Permit (this is the first stage of legalization of residence in the Russian Federation) are severely tortured by the FMS. Lists, night shifts, roll calls, etc.. just to get an appointment with the inspector. Then some FMS inspector will suddenly come out of the office door and tear the list, type lists are prohibited, stand in the first line. And no one remembers who was behind whom anymore. And if everyone suddenly queues up, they will not fit in a cramped dressing room, though, despite this, many are there all day. Since the majority of the interpreters are Central Asians and other representatives of the southern republics, there is a high probability of contracting exotic infectious diseases. While in other similar establishments, type of Tax Service, banks, etc.. long ago, electronic queues have been introduced and the problems of standing in queues have been solved, at the FMS nothing has changed at all already, least, years 15, and every year it gets worse. Although, the reasons are clear. All this time, the department is headed by the same person. – K. Romodanovsky. Irremovability of power, as known, does not lead to anything good.

Since the residence permits are, mostly, labor migrants, and they stand during working hours, all day long, weeks and months. and correspondingly, do not work at this time, then it can be assumed that the national economy of Russia does not receive billions of dollars of GDP because of this. I.e, by the leadership of the FMS and Mr. Romodanovsky, there is sabotage in order to weaken the defense capability and competitiveness of the state.

  Yes the savior came)

remember, when many years ago I received a Temporary Residence Permit, even hired a lawyer from a law firm, which provided queuing services. If now I had to start all over again with RVP, then I would not have dared to go to all these circles of hell.

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