
I greet everyone. For the reason that, that the blog has not been updated for a long time, decided to write this small post.
I traded very little in October due to the fact, that he decided to pay more attention to his personal life, plus a little rebuilt in the trading plan thanks to training at United Traders. I would like to thank Tolya Radchenko and Dima Belousov for the useful information, which was possible to glean from their online presentations. At the same time, I continue to be sure that, that it is your own conclusions that are most valuable.
But the time has come to get out of the creative break and soon updates will appear on the blog again..
During this period, I received a lot of questions and comments from the plan. “где ты”, “что с тобой”, “what's with the blog” etc, so I will be glad to see another form of feedback: ответу на вопрос
What is interesting for you to see on the blog now?
In connection with the accumulation of knowledge on scalping, it worries me a little, what video могут быть не особо интересными и зрелищными, so the more options you specify, all the better.
I am waiting for your opinion :)

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