ETP : Energy Transfer Partners, L.P.

energy-transfer-partners ETPEnergy Transfer Partners, L.P. (ETP) deals with natural gas operations. The company also operates in the retail propane segment. The company manages its common partners, electricity transmission partners G.P., LP (his general partner), which in turn, managed by its general partner, Electricity transmission Partners, OOO (ETP LLC). Energy transfer Shares, LP (SUMMER) owns ETP LLC, general partner of its general partner. In September 2008 The Company entered into an agreement with ODE Energy Corp. (HE GOES) in the form of a joint venture company ETP Enogex Partners LLC (ETP Enogex partners). 27 January 2009 of the year, the company announced, that she entered into an agreement with Chesapeake Energy Marketing, Inc, a subsidiary of the Chesapeake Energy Corporation (Chesapeake), to build a 178-mile 42-inch interstate gas pipeline (Tiger pipeline).

Natural gas operations

Bystrina business, the company is owned and operated in approximately 6700 miles to the natural gas pipeline service, three natural gas processing, natural gas eleven treatment plants, and eleven natural gas conditioning facilities. Its fast-paced segment is focused on collecting, compression, очистки, mixing, processing and marketing of natural gas, and its activities are centered on the Austin trends of the Mel states of South Texas, Permian Basin West Texas and New Mexico, Barnett Shale in North Texas, Bossier Sands in East Texas, a Uinta and Piceance Basins in Utah and Colorado.

Southeast Texas System A 5000-mile integrated system located in Southeast Texas, который собирает, compresses, heals, processing and transportation of natural gas with the Austin Mel trend. La Grange Processing Cryogenic Natural Gas Processing Plant, that the processes are rich in natural gas, which flows through its system, to extract gas residues and liquefied natural gas (ШФЛУ). The North Texas System is a 160-mile integrated system located across four counties in North Texas, который собирает, compresses, heals, processing and transportation of natural gas with the trend of Barnett shale. The Bystryne segment also includes its interests in various mid-river assets located in Texas, New Mexico and Louisiana.

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Domestic Transportation Company and storage business is owned and operated in approximately 7800 miles from natural gas transportation by pipelines and three gas storage facilities. Via ETC OLP, the company owns the largest domestic pipeline system in the United States with connecting consumption areas throughout the United States. Its domestic transportation and storage segment focuses on the transportation of natural gas between major markets with different natural gas producing regions through links with other pipeline systems., and also through their Oasis pipeline, its East Texas pipeline, its construction of a pipeline for natural gas and storage of assets, which are referred to as fuel ET system, and its HPL system. Its domestic transportation and data storage operations amounted to approximately 65% of the total volume of operating income consolidated for the year, ended 31 December 2008.

Interstate transportation of the company's segments accounts for about 11% of the total volume of operating income consolidated for the year, ended 31 December 2008. The result from its segment of interstate transportation primarily comes from fees, obtained from natural gas, transportation services and prompt sale of gas. Transwestern pipeline open access to natural gas interstate pipelines extending from gas producing areas of West Texas, eastern and northwestern New Mexico, Colorado and the southern first phase of the pipeline connecting at the eastern end of its system and connecting the pipeline at the California border .

Retail segment Propane

A retail propane marketer company in the United States, based on gallons sold. The company serves over a million customers out of approximately 440 customer service points at about 40 States. Its propane activities extend from coast to coast with a concentration in the western, upper midwest, Northeastern and Southeastern United States. Retail propane use is categorized into three categories: residential applications, промышленного, commercial and agricultural applications and other retail applications, including sales of motor fuel. In their wholesale operations, it sells mainly propane to government agencies and industry to end users.

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