A little more vacation…

Over the past couple of days, the beaches are rapidly empty, visually, the number of tourists decreased by two and a half to three times. This is how the embankment of Gelendzhik looked like today in the area of ​​the center. Megaphone advertising in the frame is present :) (between two lanterns). Probably well rolled back to someone…

However, for those who like to swim without the hustle and bustle of people, you can always find options. For example such. After walking some distance, we go out to the cooler, further downhill.

This is how it looks from below:

Two girls asked to help them go down. Помочь – loudly said, I rather assisted (being downstairs) speaking, where to put your foot, and how to hold on to the rope, caught a bag of groceries (unsuccessful), and then the girls themselves (more fortunate). Some, спускаясь, scolding their husbands / boyfriends, dragged them here, what the light is on, some do not have enough determination to descend, though, nothing really scary there.

And finally, we are on an almost deserted shore (however, somewhat crap nudists and other vacationers), and we have a clean open sea at our disposal.

If, going down the steep, you tore your flip flop – do not despair and throw away the survivor – almost certainly, he will find a couple on the shore – there are plenty of them here :)
Over a narrow strip of stone plateau, where it is good to sunbathe, overhanging vertical cliff.

The locals tell, that several cars have already leaped from the steep into the sea, fatal, naturally.

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