Driving Timothy Sykes

28 May and 29 May a seminar will be held in Moscow Тимоти Сайкса, I think the majority knows him as a very successful and gifted trader who with 10 000$ did more 1 000 000$. I don't really like him because he was selling my WLOC share and I lost about 6 000$ , but I'm interested from a professional point of view to listen and learn something new. A new look at trading is always helpful.

At the same time, you can meet many of your old acquaintances and have a great weekend.

More detailed information about the seminar can be found here http://www.timothysykes.ru/

Timothy Sykes (Timothy Sykes) – едва ли не самый успешный молодой trader in the world. He started his career at the age 18 years since his parents gave him 12 415 Dollars, and literally for 3 year he managed to increase this amount to 2 million. In 2003-2006 Timothy ranked first in the Barclays rating of hedge fund managers. Является автором нашумевшей Books «Американский хеджевый фонд: how did i do 2 million dollars "and the star of the TV show" Wall Street Wars ". This year Timothy undertook to repeat his feat, and turn again 12 thousand dollars in 2 million by active trading according to their strategy. Starting in January 2011 of the year, by April Timothy already has more 140 thousand dollars in your trading account!

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