Долгая, happy life…

[info]pratrader posted a series of posts, about that, what kind of life awaits us in the near future. Popular in fiction are considered (I remembered the book `` The Lord of the Abyss '' read at school) pseudoscientific ideas about turning a person into a kind of cyborg, victory over disease, gene modeling, increase in life expectancy to 200-300 years, and as a climax, separation of the brain from the body, putting it in a jar, creating virtual reality and achieving immortality. Than the author has already caused the emergence of a series of demotivators.
 As a child, I was very afraid of death. Tried to imagine, like this, see nothing, not to hear, don't feel, Believed, that in twenty years scientists will create an effective artificial heart (at seven to eight years old, death was associated with aging and stopping this organ) and `` we probably won't have to die at all…" It's hard to constantly live with the fear of death, therefore we invent or accept tricks, usually of the following types. First – religious – belief in the afterlife, reincarnation, etc.. based on the words of the prophets, sacred texts, and so on. Based solely on faith. Second, let's call it psychological – attempts to understand, what's behind the line by polling people, survivors of near-death experiences, transpsychological experiences, and so on. The third rejects the existence of consciousness outside the physical body and sees a way out in the development of science and medicine, life extension, improving its quality, and as a consequence, achieving immortality, even by turning into a lump of thinking matter. Our consciousness is arranged in this way, that a supporter of any of the ideas will snatch facts from the flow of information, self-righteous, and refuting other opinions. Until, until someone is convincing enough, to change the paradigm.
In my opinion, one of the greatest myths, which is now actively exploited, this is an increase in life expectancy. Positive results achieved, mainly, by reducing child mortality, and deaths, during periods of epidemics. Statistically. The real duration has increased very slightly, Furthermore, personal observations lead me to conclude, that people began to live less. Want confirmation? See the story of a kind, surely many will find great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers, Lived 95, 100, 105 years. See the closest relatives – 65, 70, sometimes 75. Subjectively, you say? Good, let's see the Renaissance. Leonardo – 67 years, Raphael – 37 years, Titian – 99 years, Michelangelo – 88 years, Botticelli – 65 years, Donatello – 80 years, Piero della Francesca – 72 of the year (Now I'm just typing the first on Wikipedia, what comes to mind).
My spongy conviction – man lives, while a program is running, the purpose of his life. It also creates vitality., and fills life with colors. When the program is worked out, and nothing comes in return – the body begins to rapidly deteriorate, diseases become more active, and the result will be death, if no new idea is found, task, it doesn't matter which one. All this is brilliantly described by the great psychologist Viktor Frankl, who made his conclusions based on the existence of people in extreme conditions – in this case – fascist concentration camp. Those survived in inhuman conditions, who had some purpose. Just don't have to think, that I reject the physiological causes of aging. Everything needs to be considered as a whole. But doesn't it seem strange, that many die, later 2-3 of the year, after retirement. It would seem that, the beginning of a new stage, Live and be happy, Rest, Enjoy yourself… An no, program, worked for decades worked out, but a new one did not appear. Aimlessness, meaninglessness of existence, and the logical result. That is why in the life of the brain in the bank, surrounded by virtual entertainment I can hardly believe.

  Where, but not in Africa
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