For newbies

Originally posted by [info]fenix_fx at begining.

Here such a Santa Barbara came out… All in all, I met my stepbrother))). It's fun to meet brothers in 35) well,  word for word, who is doing what found out. And of course, we talked about trading.. He – научи.

First Phenegs test & ldquo; mathematician programmer” he failed, but of course you can catch on to something, in the end, I'm not a mathematician or a programmer either. Man works in IT infrastructure. Knows the topic, people and not stupid at all. And once again I wondered, What to do? Are there any chances for beginners? The answer to this question is not very clear to me.

May Vladimir Dmitrievich not be offended by me, but if you do the idea of ​​an honest train & ldquo; financial education & rdquo;, then this train should travel around the country and discourage people from climbing into that, what we call the stock market. Do you want to become a trader? Get this bullshit out of your head. Don't open brokerage accounts, не думайте, that you can consistently earn on this and so on). Верите, what is the purpose of brokers, who travel on this train to tell exactly about this?))) To her.

Fundamental analysis? The general population does not and will not have access to real data for fundamental analysis, and they, what is given to them on TV… Famous & ldquo; folk” IPO has long been received by the & ldquo; People's” name of NAIPO, which perfectly reflects that, how the state treats the people. At any moment, the government will call a doctor and the entire foundation will merge into the toilet..

Technical analysis с бесплатными мастер классами от брокеров? Cold,  I won't even joke, like me, not entirely random people read, and so everything is clear)). Discourage people from going to forex offices? It's all strange. On the one hand, the wild PR of Forex on TV and radio, and on the other hand to drive to dissuade. How many people watch TV? And how many will intersect with the train? In general, everything here is not in favor of the poor private traders..

  my_trade @ 2011-03-11T21:31:00

Invest in stocks? Don't laugh. Mocking dividends,  saw cut and scammed – this is what awaits such investors from issuers. Especially with state participation. It's better to just take the money to the bank for deposit.

I still had an illusion, that it's just a problem in age. What if you start in 20 years, then everything is different and cool. Illusions were dispelled by one of the most talented young traders Gerchik. How he should be happy with his business, думал я. Loot, столица, тусовкакайф. А оказалось,  that everything is the same as mine. In the first year of trading, and he and I recommended this case to all our acquaintances, told how it is simple and cool and accessible. I remember my first demo on MT4 – uuu… Money from the demo account flowed like a river, а я думал, where will I put the lambas. Eventually,  года через 3 – Trading друзьям уже не рекомендуем, but we advise you to stay away from him as far as possible. And then, what we earn ourselves requires sooooo much effort and time. In fact, the best years are spent at the computer. Is it worth it, xs.

Единственно, can tell, that I heard somewhere about the midlife crisis. Type in 30-35 и все такое. I am thinking of completely changing my business at this time – отличная идея. I don’t even come close to some kind of `` crisis ''. I do not have time for anything, a lot of things to do, processes. Отлично!

But still. My advice to beginners or just those who wish – nothing to catch here. There is no stock market in the country yet. Look for something else for yourself.

And yet. Everyone has the right to decide for himself. If even after excuses, the person still wants and is torn – not so bad, because in our business it is love for him that allows us to achieve something.

  Why is the owner of the New York Stock Exchange ( NYSE ) offered to buy eBay for $30 billion

What advice would you give your best friend or relative, if he knows nothing about trading, but really wants to try? Notice, it's not just a friend, a very good friend, whose fate is not indifferent to you. What to read?  What to see? what kind courses кроме АГ? Where to start from? What strategies to use? What to do then?))  (c) [info]fenix_fx

For newbies.

Here is my personal answer, I wanted to post for a long time, but only for a separate post it did not attract.

– I would never advise anyone AT ALL to meddle in the market in order to make an income from it – the only one for life))))) It seems to be obvious, but here I personally came exactly for this.

If the desire is irresistible, then:
1) To start with as little money as possible. Not more 1000$.
2) Trade with a purpose +100% from the deposit, WITHOUT SHOULDERS and Blue Chips.

  • Если сделаете +100% on liquid assets, no leverage and NOT SCALPING – WELCOM TO MARKET!
  • Make -100% on liquid assets, no leverage and no scalping – NAKHUYSRYNKA))) This is a difficult case))

Why I don’t take scalping at all for trading – because he has no future.
I scalped for at least a year in the market, not understanding at all what is happening and how it works.
And if I didn’t start to somehow develop in terms of positional trading at the same time – right now, I would be sitting in a complete ass..
Because the inefficiencies are gone, scalping fell off, and understanding of the market as a whole – would not be..

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