Trader discipline. Or, rather, her absence ...

so, everyone, who was engaged in stock trading, will say, what's the hardest part to stick to that set of rules, which the trader installed for myself.

There is, certainly, and such traders, which have no rules, but this does not apply to this conversation yet.

Here, understand, I can't adhere to the guidelines, all the time pulls to break, nothing can be done about it. Even the realization that, what in the previous 115 once misconduct caused financial losses, does not in any way improve the situation. Traders break again and again and will violate vehicle rules, MM And others.

What to do?

Previously, it seemed to me, that it should go by itself, but it did not pass. lol. There was not even a hint of that, what i was becoming disciplined. Undoubtedly, I no longer traded completely at random and thoughtlessly, but violations of their rules happened regularly. Over time I realized, Why is this happening. And came to that, that discipline cannot be seen only in the context of trading, trading. She is inseparable from our daily life, each of our actions. Somehow I didn't think about it right away, honestly.

I will explain. Most of us in life are very similar to each other.. We are postponing the visit to the dentist, breaking traffic rules, driving a car, are not always punctual about their promises and agreements. Such carelessness in life is that scourge, which clearly pops up, when a person starts to trade.

So that…

I think, did you understand, What do we have to do. It is impossible to become disciplined only in trading., remaining a rag in life. You need to be punctual and «right» all over. And don't be afraid to lose your identity, your creativity. It is only about some inner composure and orderliness in affairs.. Driving - keep the speed limit, need to be examined by a dentist – sign up today, without delay, We agreed to meet – arrive early, don't be late. And when it becomes the norm, you will notice, that in trading by itself somehow everything is normalized. You will have less and less emotional outbursts and rash gestures..

  hurry up! It's time to make money!

Zasim, I leave you alone with my thoughts and leave. See you!

shl. Raising my blog in the ranking, if not lazy.

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