Deutsche Post DHL против UPS

1) order Books on Amazon, choose fast delivery, pay a lot of money for the delivery itself (2-3 of the day) brings UPS through 2 weeks, without a preliminary call, stupidly arrived at the office, threw the box and left (and if they are mistaken in the address?).

2) order books on Amazon, choose long delivery (18-32 of the day), pay for shipping a little, brings DHL in less than a week, pre-calls, interested in, is there such a person in such and such a place and through 30 mines are brought.

Making Sense of the Dollar (Marc Chandler)
Confessions of a Street Addict (James J. Cramer)
Against the Gods: The Remarkable Story of Risk (Peter L. Bernstein)
The End of Wall Street (Roger Lowenstein)

and a little later still:

Hedgehogging (Barton Biggs)
Debunking Economics (Steve Keen)

why Steve Keen, I don't really know.
influence[info]rene_korda maybe:)

  debt market EM
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