Money from the state in 2021 year

Hello everybody! 52 000 from the state - sounds good, isn't it true?

Money from the state in 2021 year

Tax deductionTax deduction

The end of the year is approaching, it will be time to summarize soon, and also plan the next. Today about, what needs to be done right now, so that next year everything is in chocolate.

Traditionally, by the end of the year, many, Who works, paid annual bonuses. Who invests, bond coupons come. All in all, it becomes more or less clear, what financial results were obtained for the year.

All this annual financial result can serve as a source of additional payments from the state next year., or rather tax refunds, paid from income in 2020 year. Therefore, it is important for any investing person at the end of the year to compare their income, subject to 13% NDFL and funds contributed during the year to IIS type A for that purpose, to get back the paid tax.

If you still haven't opened IIS type A, then it is desirable to do this, because. with it, you can get up to 52 000 rubles per year from the funds contributed to IIS, provided, that you officially work and receive a white salary. There is only one condition - not to close or withdraw money from IIS for 3 years.

Therefore, if you open the IIS now, top up it on 400 thousand. rub., then in the spring it will be possible to get 13% from contributed 400 thousand. rub., and these are just the same 52 thousand. rub. Then you can reinvest this money, for example, in bonds. In this way, profit from bonds + 13% from funds deposited on IIS. And all this is almost risk-free, if you buy reliable bonds.

IIS has been open for a long time, even two. The second - to a relative, so i return 13% from 800 thousand. rub., contributed to two IIS, ie. 104 thousand. rub. AND, certainly, all these funds are directed to further investments.

  Green bonds

Therefore, at the end of the year, I have such a plan of action:

1. Get 2-NDFL certificates from the place of work, to find out, how much earned at the end of the year. These certificates will not include December, so for December you can estimate for yourself.

2. To carry money for IIS, if there is still a possibility of making. Throughout the year, I bring in a little, especially if the market is growing, therefore, the main contribution is at the end of the year.

3. Next, I use the deposited funds to buy bonds, so that money for IIS also works.

By and large, any amount can be deposited on the IIS, even more 400 thousand. rub. (to 1 million), not paying attention, what was your annual salary. The refund will be calculated based on the personal income tax paid for your salary for the year, but not more 400 thousand. rub.

I just try not to add too much, if the total annual income is less 400 thousand. rub. In this case, I deposit additional funds to a regular brokerage account., so that in which case it would be possible to withdraw funds or transfer from one account to another.

At the moment I am just depositing funds to my IIS, to receive the due refunds for the next year. The problem this year is, that there is simply nothing to buy with the deposited funds: stocks are expensive, and I buy them mainly according to the strategy only at the end of the month, excluding small short-term transactions, bonds are not cheap too. But there is nowhere to rush to invest, sure, that there will still be an opportunity to "park" the funds.

Last year, IIS refund used, to buy stocks in a crisis. How do we remember, there was a market collapse in March due to a pandemic, and at about the same time they just came to me 43 thousand. rub. return on IIS for 2019 year. On 40 thousand. of them bought shares at the end of March during the fall. It turned out so great.

  2 trillion dollars for 5 years.

Therefore, additional money is never superfluous and often comes at the most necessary time.. And you have already received a deduction from the state for IIS? If not yet, now is the time to do it!

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