Airborne Day

Why does the government of St. Petersburg dislike the airborne troops so much?? The whole second half of the day I was rollerblading on Elagin and Krestovsky Islands, where the paratroopers were supposed to celebrate their holiday as it was written in the media. But at the same time, ALL cafes were closed., there was NOT ONE point selling not only beer, but any drinks in general. Not a single roller and bike rental and everything else worked, that is, nothing worked at all. But the most interesting thing, that even the mini-zoo on Elagin Island was dismantled as if it had never existed, and animals and birds were hidden somewhere. Probably thought that the paratroopers would eat them from hunger, there was nowhere to eat. As if they were preparing for the invasion of the barbarians…. :)

Despite these misunderstandings on the part of the administration, congratulations to all the paratroopers!!!!!

  Little wing
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