Day three

All friends ask, how is my “ticheng”)))
Observations from the outside are:

I give out signals to everyone like hotcakes, and when they ask a question:”Well here's your signal… to enter or not?” – I start to slow down.. I brake my own commando myself..
If we went into all system signals – would have earned a fucking dough .. And in the most profitable entries, I ochkanul go..

For example here, in a saw for gold I speak:”There will be a false takeaway, it will need to be counter-trend in order to break through the opposite border. Explained why and what is the logic. And where are the stop losses. OK.. waiting for an hour 3.. takeaway happens and then they ask me:”Well, that's it… short or not? Your signal is the same. “)) I look at this stick in the sky ... and I say:”Fucking.. well, everything is as I said, признаю….. but why am I going to get into such a thing?)))” Next we look, how much could you earn….

Later.. for oil.. I speak even before statistics:”There will be a take-out down on the stat, but not below support (there will be a stop loss), it will need to open longs, because. the price will return and you will have to keep there.” Eventually, the stat comes out in a couple of hours, fucking down… and they ask me:”here you go .. your signal). tear off longs or che?”))) I am like that.. look down at this stick and say:”Yes, signal… but it's scary fuck what is it)))))))))” As a result, the entrance is also missed.…

p.S. (Not all inputs are like that)) Like catching knives) It just happened so today.. )

Responsibility for other people's trades according to my signals gives rise to insecurity and excessive caution in me..

All in all, I think the problem will be solved by itself… Either I'll get used to it and won't slow down, or they themselves will already be confident in the signals and they will not need me)

  modest optimism however
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