Science Day. What stocks are worth looking at

Science Day. What stocks are worth looking at

Let's plunge into the world of non-standard holidays. Today is World Science Day for Peace and Development.

The celebration is held under the auspices of UNESCO and highlights the important role of science in society. Investments in the securities of biotechnology companies are associated with the "Day of Science", professional and IT services.

Our selection includes stocks of companies with a high ESG rating (more 60). Term combines three non-financial criteria, important from the point of view of society.

ESG stands for the first letters of the words included in it:

E — environment (contribution to ecology)

S — social (contribution to social development)

G — governance (ethical management practices).

The securities are traded at a discount from 10 to 20% to the average target of analysts.

Read Holdings (LDOS)

American research company. Owns a diversified portfolio, made up of technology, including cybersecurity, engineering and health care. Leidos has won a large number of government contracts in the defense sector, including the development of training technology. The profit of the enterprise is generated on 48% from the defense sphere, 34% from civil, 18% from health care. Dividend yield of securities - 1,5%. Refinitiv's forecast assumes an increase in EPS on average by 9,6% in the coming 5 years. Analysts' median target for 12 months. — $117 (quote for Tuesday - $94,4).

NortonLifeLock (NLOK)

One of the world leaders in the production of software for PCs and data centers. Specializes in cybersecurity technologies. Key product - Norton antivirus packages 360. The company unveils Norton Game Optimizer to improve PC gaming experience. Following the results of the IV financial quarter, the company announced 2,8 million new clients - up to 23 million. Dividend yield of securities - 1,9%. Shares trade at a discount to competitor medians: P / E equal 21,1 against 30,2. Refinitiv's forecast assumes an increase in EPS by 15,4% in the coming 12 months. The median target for analysts is $30 (quote for Tuesday - $25,1).

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Amgen (AMGN)

The world's largest independent biotech company. The company produces drugs for the treatment of psoriasis, oncological diseases, osteoporosis. Amgen R&D for Living Cells. The company is highly profitable - in the last five years, the operating profit margin was at least 35% with an increase in revenue by 11% average per year. Amgen - a great dividend story with profitability 3,3% per annum. Average increase in payments for 5 years was 76%. Refinitiv's forecast assumes an increase in EPS by 9,6% in the coming 12 months. The median target for analysts is $250 (quote for Tuesday - $211,7).

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International Business Machines (IBM)

One of the leading providers of hardware and software, engaged in innovative technological developments. Key business segments: Cloud & Cognitive Software и Global Business Services. Cloud & Cognitive Software - Provides cloud storage services for healthcare, financial services, as well as the "Internet of Things". Global Business Services - works in the field of business consulting and programs, implementation-oriented workflows with artificial intelligence support. Dividend yield of securities - 5,4% per annum. Average increase in payments for 5 years - 5,4%. Refinitiv's forecast assumes an increase in EPS by 16,2% in the coming 12 months. The median target for analysts is $148 (quote for Tuesday - $120,9).

DXC Technology (DXC)

DXC Technology is an American IT company, established in 2017 G. from the combined assets of Computer Sciences Corporation and the Hewlett Packard Enterprise corporate IT services division. IN 2019 G. DXC Technology приобрела Luxoft, which deals with drone and blockchain technologies. One of Luxoft's products is an e-voting platform. Refinitiv's forecast assumes an increase in EPS by 23,9% in the coming 12 months. and on 28,4% in the coming 5 years, average per year. The median target for analysts is $42 (quote for Tuesday - $33,8).

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