Coupon Groupon service comes to the stock exchange

Скидочный сервис GrouponNumber of securities to be placed in the IPO, not specified

Company Groupon, which owns the service of collective discounts applied for the IPO, during which intends to raise $ 750 million, reports Bloomberg.

Underwriter IPO will be Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs and Credit Suisse.

The company’s shares will be traded under the symbol «GRPN». Number of securities to be placed in the IPO, not specified.

Groupon Service was founded in 2008. With it, users can get discounts that can be activated only on the condition that they be interested in a minimum number of participants in the program. Currently, the global network covers 33 Groupon million users in 35 countries.

In December last year the Internet giant Google wanted to buy discount service for $ 6 billion. However, the proposal was rejected.
Having been refused, Google engaged in developing their own promotional code services – Google Offers. Its beta version was launched the day before.

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