Social network BlackBerry

BlackBerry hopes to partially solve its financial problems by promoting proprietary secure messenger BBM. From now on, it is integrated into a specially created социальную сеть. BBM Channels works like Twitter, and according to The Wall-Street Journal, at first it will be available only for "blackberry" devices. Show business stars and corporate representatives will be able to communicate with their fans and clients through Channels - this will be the main function of the social network., assure BlackBerry.

In parallel, the company is trying to gather around itself gadget developers from developing countries., who will help promote BBM and Channels. Recall, that the BBM messenger has long been one of the central projects of the Canadian company. Once upon a time top management BlackBerry I even wanted to transfer the whole world from SMS to my system. And today the company still believes, that BBM is of interest to third-party developers.

About BBM Channels, then this network should also reach devices based on iOS and Android, what will happen in the coming months. Переживающая кризис канадская BlackBerry ранее в этом месяце решила завершить поиски покупателя на свои активы, а также осуществить некоторые преобразования в компании и назначить нового исполнительного директора. Prior to that, for a month, the company tried to find a suitable buyer for its assets..

Known, that some Silicon Valley corporations showed interest in the smartphone manufacturer, as well as investment funds Cerberus and Fairfax Financial. The consortium of investors Fairfax Financial planned to buy out BlackBerry at a price $9 per share, the total value of the transaction was estimated at $4,7 billion.

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